I've always loved my Larry the Lobster, even as a little baby! We've always had a loving relationship. He loves me even though I bite him, shake the living crap outta him, and chew on him. Yah know...he even loved me after I barfed all over him! Larry has been there for me all those times that I've been locked up in my crate, he's really the only one around here who will listen to me. So there really is nothing else to do but love him a little bit!
It's hard to imagine that our stuffies have feelings, but they totally do! I mean, they bleed white fluff when they've been loved a little too much...so they have to have some sort of feelings. So here is to my beloved Larry the Lobster, I dedicate this blog to him! He's the only one beside my human who loves me in spite of my vomit, poo and smelly farts.
Ahhhh yes, my butt sniffing toys...These two stuffies have learned a great deal from me. I try to mentor them as much as possible, and it looks like their stuffie filled heads absorbed some of what I have taught them! One day my human and I came out to the living room to find my stuffies doin' the butt sniff! I was so proud! My human couldn't stop laughing! Anyway, after seeing this phenomenon I realized that stuffies are real! They must come alive at night when we aren't looking...but they must have minds of their own.
I have great love for my Squiggly dog, mostly because he has a great whappability factor. You can shake him and he flies everywhere and hits anyone in his path! His head squeaks and his butt rattles, so I get the best of both worlds in one stuffie! Lately he has spent a lot of time traveling with me to and from work. So, I decided to give him some intense snuggle time. And PEE Esss...this is not puppy pornography...
Okay...so where are we on the stuffie appreciation list...oh yea, Solomon the snake...
Now, Solomon is the most sensitive of my stuffies. Yah know, he has two heads, so he's got a lot to hiss about. I try to make both sides of Solomon feel appreciated. I pretty much bite each side of him equally. However, in honor of National Stuffie Appreciation Day I let him get some rest and I really listened to all of his concerns and ideas. He actually had a really good idea today. He told me that I should put Squiggly on a stick! That way I have a rawhide and my Squiggly all in one!
Okay and last but not least, the newest edition to my stuffie collection!!! My Honkin'/Fartin' duck from Deetz.
Okay, I have a confession...I killed my Honkin'/Fartin' Duck! Forgive me for I have sinned!!!! For real this time though! I broke his quacker! He no longer honks...or farts for that matter. Don't be mad Deetz, okay! I kissed him lots and I've been theraperizing him so much lately. In fact...he's on my owl bed right now waiting for his nightly snuggle. I love to sleep on him! He has been receiving the most appreciation thus far today, being that he is my newest stuffie, yet he has felt the wrath that is Mr. T-Bone Beasley on a higher level. Poor Honkin'/Fartin' Duck.Lastly, Satan asked me to show you all her appreciation for stuffies as well! So here she is, sleeping next to her favorite stuffie!
Thanks to everyone who joined me in National Stuffie Appreciation Day!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
its National Stuffie Appreciation Day
i love yours Mr. T-Bone.
thank you for thinking this up.
lots of licks
Hey Bease, the duck is very cool matie. We have a lovely tooting pig that the Thuglets gave us. He isn't a stuffy though, he's more your plastic type toy.
We love National Stuffie Appreciation Day buddy.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hello Mr. T-Bone Beasley !
All your stuffies look so nice and soft, especialy Mr. Larry the Lobster. You know, a lot of my stuffies don't do noises anymore...and I am happy that Véronique is a good doctor for stuffies. She saved a lot of my stuffies.....
Kisses, Faya
Hi, Mr T-Bone...
Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day...
I love all of your Stuffies...
Come see mine...
Abby xxxooo
Happy National (International?) Stuffie appreciation day toooo yooouu! Happee national stuffie appreciation day to you, happy national stuffie appreciation day to Mr. T-Bone Beasley! Happy national stuffie appreciation day to yoo-uuu!
your pal,
(I did a post in stuffie honor today too!)
pee-s. Larry the Lobstah is very, very cool.
Woof! [That's little Levi admiring all your stuffies.]
Someone should start a thread at 'Dogs With Blogs' where we can all post a link to our appreciation entries.
Happy NSAD, Mr. T-Bone! I think Toffee is right...we need to make it an INTERNATIONAL day! By the way, how do you know Squiggly is sniffing the snake's butt? We can't figure out where his butt IS! Maybe he's got 2 butts right in the middle.
Poppy & Penny
From looking at those first photos, it seems to me like that lobsteris shrinking!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day, Mr T-Bone Beasley!
I love stuffies!!! Growing up as a greyhound we were trained to chase a plastic rabbit, but we never could catch the darn thing! Now I'm able to grab a stuffie at will. Since I have 5 brothers and sisters; believe you me, we have 100's of stuffies laying around.
My little sister Amber (another greyhound) takes the stuffies down into "the big yard" and runs around with it in her mouth showing it to all the real bunny rabbits...snarling "you're next sucka".
Have a great day!
The Buck-man
Hi Mr. T-Bone Beasley...
I think you are the smarterest pup out there to come up with this long overdue holiday!!! I'm gonna go appreciate some of my stuffies right now!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Yo, T. I totally appreciate my stuffies. I'm partial to massaging them, although I have been known to tug their limbs a little too hard, especially when I have guests over to play. But mostly, I just love them. Too bad about farting duck. I love your lobster!
woof's Mr Beasley, me liked asll ur stuffies, me got mine posted iffin u wood like to check it out...
b safe,
~rocky and company~
happy stuffie day... t-bone..
hi Mr. T-bone, we like your stuffies. you really have a nice collection. we have some too, but as usual, we are late in our posting. we had to do wheely wednesday a day late, so now we will do stuffy appreciation a day late - that means tomorrow. our mom/secretary is lame. what can we say?
You must have appreciated the fartin duck an awfully lot to get it to stop farting and honkin...I fink its great you loved him so much. This was an awesome idea and each year, we shall do it again. I think your lobster is awesome too.
This was a most wonderful wonderful idea..I am enjoying going around and seeing everyone appreciate their stuffies today.
Happy SA Day, TBB!! I'm appreciating my pink piggie right now!
Hi Mr T
We love your stuffies. We are having problems uploading our photos at mo but we will persevere and hopefully have them sorted for this auspicious occassion of Stuffie Day.
Molly and Taffy.
PS. Could we go International as we are other side of pond and have International Stuffie Day???
Great stuffies Mr T.
I have only one at the mo the yellow duck in my blog. Caz has washed and packed all my stuffies as we move at the end of the month.
Ludo the cool dude
Oh, Bease I could never be mad at you! I know you loved your honky duck so much, and thats why he doesn't honk anymore. ITs okay. Most of my stuff doesn't make any noise anymore, cuz I take the noise makers out.
I will teach you beheading skills. It is real easy to do!!!!
Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day to you, Mr. T-Bone!
I'm so sorry to hear that you killed your honkin'/fartin' duck... That's very sad... But, did his guts taste good?!
I hope you have a grrrrEAT day!
Mr T-Bone...ya sure have a lot of stuffies...'n that last one sure looked like a real cat ta me...oh, it was a real cat, ya say? Guess I musta had too much pond water....
Dewey Dewster in the country....
Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day!! I even got a new stuffie in honor of the occasion.
Thanks for inaugurating this new and important holiday for dogs and their toys.
Your friend,
We love Larry the Lobster.. He looks like the best of all your toys..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
HAPPY STUFFIE DAY LITTLE BUDDY!!!!Of course Larry the Lobster is our favorite(being from Boston and all...) Love A+A
we so appawreciate you callin us all to pawticipate in National Stuffie Appawreciation Day! We love all your stuffies and know we could really enjoy them if we had access hehe
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud woohoo
Poor Honkin'/Fartin' Duck! You loved him too much, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! National Stuffie Appreciation day has sure been fun! You sure did have one great idea! Thank you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Mr. T-Bone Beasley!
We saw on many bloggies that you declared to day National Stuffie Appreciation Day and we wanted to say what a great idea!! Thank you!
And you've got pawsome stuffies!!
Nice meeting you!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi, Mr. T!
Happy Stuffie Appreciation Day!
All the ones I have are in one piece! I love them so I don't destroy them!
Kisses and hugs
this was a great idea! Tanner had one of those snakes but it was blue, it died.
Fab Idea, T....of course Stuffies have feelins'...we catch mumsie kissin' Gilbert in the mornins' before she kisses us....
It's a wonder this day hasn't been celebrated before....I mean...where would we be without our stuffies????
Barkin' at ya T...
Hey T-man! Thanks to you, all our stuffies feel loved and appreciated. You're right about them having feelings and they DO prowl around and have parties and everything when we're asleep at night. This event was so much fun. You are so smart to think of it, Mr. T-bone Beasley!
xox Chef
Hi T-bone. This is LoonyRacoony, Chef's stuffy. (Yes, I'm still alive, but Chef's mommy hid me from GARAGE MOUTH for a while.) On behalf of the rest of my gang, and all the stuffies of the world:
We love all the attention!!
Loony Racoony
& Bob the Ball
Thanks for finally dedicating a day to stuffies! I was happy to join in the fun!
This was lots of fun..I'm so glad you weminded us all about ouw deaw stuffies..You have a pawsome collection..I love mine even aftew they don't make noise ow get weally deflated..come and see
smoochie kisses
Oh you really love your stuffies very much.
Satan also has a stuffie? That's so pawsome
~ Girl girl
Its Friday. My mum loves Fridays cuz she doesn't have to work for two whole days. But I just hate it, cuz I can't visit with you for two whole days.....I just want to curl up in the corner and die....Two whole days is like forrrrrevvvvver.
Poor Fartin/Honkin Duck! OOOOHHH, that is so sad but it would have eventually happened anyway...all the appreciation you show him by gettin him all slimy and wet and stuff....He knows you wuff him wotts and wotts Beasley.....
No Worries!
Good Idea this Nat'l Stuffie Day...
Perhaps we could have a National Dale Digging Day? Seems we all love to dig and we all get weally dirty when we dig...that coulwd be some fun!
We didn't get to celebrate the Stuffie Day so Mumsie said we are gonna do it this weekend! YippppEEEEE!
We'll bark at cha over the weekend!
The G-Dales Out!
all your toys are so adorebles..
a big hug
Hi T-Bone,
Nice to meet you and I joined in a day late with the stuffies in my small world blog. What a fun appreciation day!
What a great response on the National Stuffie Appreciation Day!!! High Paws to your mum. Oh, definitely would be a tie for sure Bease....A Collar. My very own collar! I cannot wait to see it. Those tire thingys can be expensive, but they need them to haul us around and us be safe and probably will help your mum with gas mileage too. An Airecut???? I just now started letting my mum brush me a lil bit..she started to brush Charlotte the other night...I decided I would rather be brushed, cuz I am a lil jealous of my mums attention..so now she can brush me...but an airecut? Let me know how it goes...Be brave lil one.
Hi Mr T-Bon...
I just wanted to stop by & say Hi...
We are on our way to the Ocean...We will be back next Saturday...
Talk to you then...
Abby xxxooo
Hey Mr B.,
The word is traveling fast about National Stuffie Appreciation Day. Will this be an annual event? We enjoyed seeing each and every stuffy. They are perfectly cool. The only problem is the cat doesn't seem to tug on the other end or tackle you while you chase the stuffie.
Everyone knows the best part of stuffies is the unstuffing. We'll handle some more of that on our end.
Great new holiday!
Journey, King of Tug
Hi, Mr. T-Bone Beasley!
I just learned about your blog tonight, from Maggie & Mitch! I think that Stuffie Appreciation Day is a fantastic idea!!
Your lobster seems like a very loyal and special friend! (Not to mention super cuddly!!)
Smooches, Winnie :-)
Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day T-Bone!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow! I didn't know about National Stuffie Appreciation day until today! This is so cool. I hope I remember for next year. Gus what! I have a Honkin' Fartin' duck too! I got it for my birthday in April. It is so much fun.
My humans almost got me Larry the Lobster this afternoon because I needed a new toy. They decided I would shred, pull and eat all those parts too easily. I have a BAD reputation with stuffie toys.
Larry's kinda cute for a crustacean. And H/F Duck certainly has an air about him. But truthfully, we LOVE Satan the Cat--he seems so lifelike!
Persephone & Buster
Larry's kinda cute for a crustacean. And H/F Duck certainly has an air about him. But truthfully, we LOVE Satan the Cat--he seems so lifelike!
Persephone & Buster
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