Thursday, May 22, 2008

Celebrity Look Alikes!

Hello my friends! It came to my realization that some of my pictures look very similar to some celebrities that we all know and love!

For example, here...this is me being Deetz!

Do you see the resemblance?

And here, I'm being Stanley from Gooberstan! My eyes even glow with awesomeness, just like his!

And right here I think I did a pretty good impersonation of Faya!

We take the same approach to Bully Stick chewing! I think I do a pretty good Faya!

And here, I'm being one of the Griffindales, Jack and running away with a toy so no one else can have it!

I'm just a little more naked than him!

And right here, I'm like Noah after his "procedure" when his bits were removed...

Did I captured his feelings well?

And though our fuzz are different colors, I think I look a bit like Asta right here...

A sleepy Asta anyway...

And here I am pretending to be Yalo from Apache's Tribe!

We've got the same eyes and nose!!!

Right here I am being JB the cat...

Okay, Fine! Soo it's Satan pretending to be JB...I could do it too if I really tried!

And Finally! Here I am being Brett Michaels...but I prefer my chicks with beards...

Do you see the similarities????

Farewell my friends! Until we meet again! And If you haven't done so already, please sign up for the International Goody Exchange! So far we have about 67 of you all participating! Woo hoo!

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Deetz said...

Wow Beasley 67 signed up....That is awesome pawsome turn out. You look just like me in that one picture and I didn't realize how much Satan resembles cool is that? JB has the greatest stories and tons of friends.
I would let you bitey my dad anytime. I pretty much stay with my mum. Unless my dad is riding his horse, then I like to just watch him in awe.

Dexter said...

You are so talented, I expect to see you on Saturday Night Live doin your impressions anytime now.

Ferndoggle said...

Excellent impressions! Especially the one of Brett Michaels. Mom had a crush on him in junior high school...but his hair was MUCH bigger then.


Deetz said...

I love that picture of you with your is very cute. I don't know what we are going to do with me gone a whole week....sniff
We could meet in our dreams when we are sleeping, anywhere in the world and play bitey face and swim in ponds and splash in the mud and run really really fast...That would be cool
Mum said she would pack us lots of snacks

Faya said...

You are no are a chameleon. Véronique says you could be a great "Faya"...
I am duck died yesterday night...killed by an airedale...hum
Kisses, Faya

Clover said...

Hi there Mr. T-Bone Beasley!
It's nice to meet you, my name is Clover! I tried to sign up for the goody exchange on Chef's blog, but I thought I would tell you too. And I have heard so much about you from other bloggers, I had to come say hello to you myself!
Is it ok if I add you to my blogroll?
Love Clover xo

Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

Handsome & talented, too...What a combination...

Please sign me up for the Goody Exchange...It's gonna be fun...

Abby xxxooo

Sparky said...


You're doing a really good job at looking just like our friends! At first I thought you really were Stanley when I saw your "Stanley" pictures.

Satan makes a pretty good JB, too! I never realized how much they look alike.

And wow, 67 signed up for the Goody Exchange already?! Man, this is gonna be GRRRReat!

I'm packing my bags right now to leave for AZ! Those waffles are just too tempting!


Eric said...

Pawsome impressions Mr T. You have are sort of a chameleon . . . or do I mean comedian?!!!

Wiry wags, Eric x

Gonna add you to my square pals hopes that ok?

Studio Evans said...

TBB, excellent job on the gift exchange.
Has Hollywood called yet?

Duke said...

You're a hoot, Mr. T-Bone Beasley -and a cute and talented one at that!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Wow those are great impressions - we sure are impressed - Mama has a crush on Brett Michaels - but she says your better looking!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Those are some awesome pictures.. We love Brett Micheals...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Noah the Airedale said...

I thought I was looking at myself for a moment there captured all of us pawfectly. You're so talented!!!!
One question though...who is Brett Michaels????

Hugs and tail wags

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I think you are a really good celebrity look alike! I think Satan is good at trying to be me too. I am excited about the exchange!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were soo talented, your a doggie impawsonator. Oh wow you should be on the show over here thats called you've got talent..
I can't believe there is 67 of us signed up, it's going to be way cool.

lots of licks


Bogart H. Devil said...

All very accurate portrayals my friend :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! 67 pups to play the game! I can't wait!

I loved your impersonations! You did look like them. Except for JB, you didn't fool me even for a second! :)

If you want to read more about go to my main blog at wordpress:

Toffee said...

Those were great pictures - you can really work the camera AND do impressions!

Goodie, goodie, goodie! I can't wait to find out who I get to send pressies to!


Stanley said...


You do some MEAN impressions, man! My girl thinks you look so stinkin' cute doing all those impressions that she wants to do a goober exchange with your mama. You come to GooberStan for a week and I go to your house for a week. I'm thinking, we can't lose, can we?

Right now my girl is trying to figure out how to smoosh you and love on you through the pooter. Do you FEEL THE LOVE? (Sheesh. Talk about goobers.)

Goober love & smooches,

Lorenza said...

I love the many faces of Mr. T! Sure you are good!
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Hey Bease. I had no idea you were so talented!! You really, really do look like them. How do you do that?? It's totally amazing.

Are you all revved up for the Exchange?? I'd be counting the days, but .... I can't count. Are we almost there?

xoxo Chef

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey beasley, u can win oscar with all the impersonification...

can u try being pacco?

Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow, you can really impersonate other doggies! How kewl! Oh, I wanna join the International Goodie Exchange too...I will sign up today. Hopefully I won't forget.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure look like many of our doggie friends Mr T-Bone. :)

~ Girl girl

Princess Patches said...

Great job, T-Bone! Please don't forget the rest of us "normal" doggies when you get famous!

Poppy & Penny

The Black and Tans. said...

Wowie, we know a celebrity, cos that is what you are now Mr T because you are just so talented.

Molly and Taffy

Thor and Jack said...

Mr.T-Bone Beasley!
Fantastic! You are so talented! You got great looks of all those celebrities.
Have a great weekend!


the many Bs said...

hi T-Bone, yes you do look like all of those celebrity dogs, but we think you look like a famous celebrity yourself. are you sure you aren't famous? we think so!


Deetz said...

I sure am gonna miss you T-Bone

Deetz said...

That was hillarious Beasley....hehe
Stanley and Stella had butt pictures today, so the song was funny....its all about butts today.
Oh how wonderful. When your mum calls my mum, maybe we can bark at each other...
Mum says gas prices are getting worse and worse...if the prices don't go down, I won't be able to go to McDonalds anymore.

Deetz said...

Welp its about time for me to go for a week.....I can't wait for your mum to call my mum and we can bark alot while they are chatting....

Asta said...

Mr.T-Bone Beasley
You awe a supewmodel.!!!!
You did fantastic impwessions of all ouw famous fwiends and of me too..I thought I was looking in the miwwow..I love youw Faya and Stanley..well I love all of them..and you wif the banana on youw head is just fabulous!!!
Thank you fow all those
smoochie kisses,

Thor and Jack said...

Mr.T-Bone Beasley,
Check on my blog, when you will be able!


Stanley said...

Yo, T-Bone!

Tell me where you got all your cool collars, man. My girl is always on the hunt to better accessorize us and our regular collar lady has stopped making them for awhile.

Thanks for sharing your fashion secrets and sense with your public!

Goob love,

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey buddy,

You have been nominated for the Awesome Blog Award over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :-)



Dewey Dewster said...

Hey Mr. T-Bone....I'm not quite sure if ya signed me up for the International Goodie Exchange or not....if I'm not on the list...add my name please...sounds like International Fun....oh yeah and ya do look like a real celebrity too...keep up the good work on the impressions...they're great!!!!!

Dewey Dewster here.....

WinstonBerry said...

Hi Beasley!

You are pawesome at theose celebrity impersonations!! I could hardly tell the difference between you and them! Very cool!

Winnie :-)

Deefor said...

That is T for talent. Amazing imitations. Are you sure they are all you?
