Monday, July 28, 2008

Huge Explosion!

Did you guys hear it??? Did you? I missed it! I didn't even hear it, but look!!! Larry the Lobster exploded!

I think Satan did it! In fact, I'm sure Satan did it! I bet she waved her tail infront of Larry's face, and Larry being allergic to C-A-T-S, sneezed! He sneezed so hard that he blew out his stuffing!

Okay, now...if you didn't hear Larry the Lobster explode, then I'm sure you had to hear this!

YES!!! Eli Stripes the Eel!! He sploded too! I'm sure Satan was behind this too! She knew that C-A-T-S make Eli Stripes the Eel sick when he swallows C-A-T fuzz! I bet she took her tail and put it in his mouth!

Oh the HORROR! The EVIL!!! The MADNESS!!!! Poor Eli Stripes the Eel, he threw up all of his insides!
I loved those two the most! I only had one Tuff Toys left! My I loved on him lots!

Huh? What? No No No! I didn't do it! I was uhhh...well I was trying to put the stuffing back inside! It was Satan! Satan did it! She clawed Starry to death!

I tried telling my human that I needed a new Larry, Eli Stripes and Starry...when she reminded me about my beloved Squiggly...

Please tell me you heard the exposion of my favorite Squigg! I woke up from a nap (it was weird I couldn't remember anything when I woke up) and there lied Squiggly, right next to me...he exploded! I tried to give him one final play time, but the human said it was time to let him rest. So, I got a new Squiggly...

Squigg number one and Squigg number two were introduced and Squigg number one gave Squigg number two some valuable play time tips. He wanted the new Squigg to know what makes me happy.
Then it happened, I kissed and tugged on Squiggly number one for the last time, then he went into the GARBAGE!
Eh, oh well! I had a new Squigg to break in!
I loved on him lots and made sure that when he grew old he would have lots of stories to share with all my other toys...until this...

I don't know if you can tell, but his head Sploded, too. I have no idea what happened to him. I went to play with him this morning, but then I realized that his head was empty and his fuzz was missing. After a careful inspection of my house I found his insides all over. I have yet to find out what Satan did to him...
In any event, because of Satan and the multiple explosions...the human has denied me a new Squiggly and new Tuff Toys...sigh...
Until my human caves in, I'm gonna try and de-stuff this!

What? She's my C-A-T! JB...I would never bother you okay? It's just that Satan wants me to...she told me...she likes when I chase her and try to play bitey face...

On a brighter note, this morning I woke up my human really early. She didn't hear my whining at the door. So I got myself all hot, then I jumped on the bed and snuggled on her real good while panting. At 70 pounds I make the whole bed move. So, there was nothing left for her to do, but wake her lazy self up and adore me...and feed me!
Speaking of food...I'm finally able to eat big dog food! My human is mixing my puppy chow and big dog food so my belly doesn't get all upset and stuff. Oh man! I love the big dog food. I'm totally ready to be a REAL big dog! So...I try to eat around all the puppy bits and eat mostly just the big dog food!

Finally, look what my God Human got me! Yea!!! She got me a new toy! It makes my nose dance!

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out and reminding you all to plug your ears incase there is another explosion in the near future!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Gaia the Airedale said...

Woo T congrats on finally switching over to big dog food! That must make you feel fantastic! I cant wait until I get some big dog food, thatll be great! Only 3 more months hehe :). Sorry to hear about your tuff toys too, thats no good. Have you gotten your treats in the mail yet??

puppy breath,

Princess Patches said...

Bease! We laughed like crazy at that first picture of you! You really must not have been expecting that 'splosion! I guess they just don't make toys like they used to...ours 'splode all the time too! Congrats on getting the big dog food!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Lacy said...

w00f's Mr T. heehee boy iz u ruff wiff stuffies...hope u not play so ruff wiff dat kitty kat, she will gitcha...had one growlin and hissin at me sat morning...and me not even got any kittys...

b safe,

Deetz said...

Could the stuffies have gotten into the bottled up farts?? Explosions everywhere, Beasley. MAdness!!!!!! Atleast you got a new toy out of the deal and it makes your noise dance, that is sooooooo cool. I wonder if it will float in my pool? That eel looks like he throw'd up cotton candy........
you tickle me tons...I am laughing so hard I am snorting.......

Deetz said...

I keep looking at that surprised look on your face......lmao
I have to have one of those for my refrigerator...Your such a retard......loving you so muches

Unknown said...

T-Bone, you better wear a helmet to protect you from all those explosions! My toys used to explode but stopped when I turned about 2 years old... Strange huh?

Your pal,


Willow the Black Dale said...

Beasely I don't believe you would make your stuffies splode. Now let me tell you why. My mommy told me that they make paw toys so yummy that C-A-T's chew them up and make them splode. Then they turn and blame us!!! US!!! Can you believe it??? My cat Teak does this too. I think he and Satan must have been litter mates.

Smooches pal,

Waiver: Anything written above was said in good faith of the mommy. She can't get mad at any of it or me referencing her. Teak must understand this!!

Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

Ummmm...I don't know if you noticed, but the new toy makes your ears dance, too...

I'm sorry about all your 'sploding toys...I definately think it's the cat...

Abby xxxooo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T!
I am thinking you live in a dangerous house! All those explosions! I wonder why only your stuffies explode??
Now, your are officialy Mr. T! Big boy!
Kisses and hugs

Rambo said...

you are so funny blaming Satan for your exploding stuffies. I'll have to try that sometime....ut oh....I don't have a cat! Should I blame the little Midget? Will they believe me?

i said...

Look at you, a big boy now! And eating big boy's food too!

It must have been one huge explosion judging from the look on your face there! Hehehe...

Chef said...

Bease - I heard the explosions too! All the way in Canada. And cat yowls too. So I know Satan did it. Don't take the blame.

Did you know your ears were dancing in the video too?? Bigboy food- yeah! Welcome to the world of MEN!


Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Careful of all those explosions - that is scarry!

We have switched our dog food too and has done wonders (and almost depleted mama's wallet)

Dexter said...

It doesn't sound like its safe at your house with everything slpoding. Your face in the first picture is amazing!

You look kind of like a piggie with your nose dancing.

Stay safe little dude.


Cassidy said...

Gosh, your toys should come with ahealth warning. None of my toys have exploded yet luckily. I have to look after them mummy says as most of them were Oscar's.

Cassidy x

Faya said...

Oh Beasley ! I think I know where I can found special toys. It is very hard to make them explose.... I will check....
Kisses, Faya

the many Bs said...

hi T-Bone, there has been a lot of carnage at your house lately. darn that Satan for de-stuffing all of your precious toys. we are pretty impressed that those tuff toys are getting de-stuffed. we have only exploded one of those.


Unknown said...

That's a priceless first photo -- how did your H-Mom get you to make that face? It rocks! All that exploding would drive me under the bed for good ... what's up with that? You better watch out or you are going to end up with no more squishies and just a lot of hard rubber balls.

The Black and Tans. said...

Mr T

That look on your face in the first photo!

De-stuff Satan!

Exploding lobsters.

Sorry cannot go on we cannot see the screen...laughing too much.

Molly and Taffy

PS. Thought you were going to pack your bags and come and see us? Lots to destuff here!!!

Deetz said...

Do you want to come and swim in my pool today?
I wish it were that easy!!!

We are a silly pair.

Niamh said...

Your eyes look like they are going to pop out of your head from the shock of those explosions. I'd keep away from that cat if I were you. I had no idea that cats were demolition experts.

Your friend,

Dandy Duke said...

Gosh, there's a lot of splodin' goin' on at your house, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! What's the toy that makes your nose dance? We can see it's blue but we can't see what it is!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Mr T ...yikesss...scarey. You look terrierfied in that first photie - I howled with laughter at that, oops not at you just your startled face.!!

But seriously, the kitties, you have to watch 'em constantly I find. Destuff stuff all over the place. And when you play bitey face with Satan be VERY CAREFUL, he will try to destuff YOU with a good wack on your nose....

wirey wags, ERic

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Mr. T-Bone Beasley!
Wow! 3 explosions!! You're good! But it's too bad that the toys don't stay after they explode...
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Deefor said...

You live in a scary place with all those spolions. You are very brave. Be careful. I like the way your nose dances.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I got scared when you said explosion.....but then I thought should I be scared? Satan does not seem to be scared of you. And I can run really really fast, so I don't think you could catch me to play bitey face!
hee hee
Thanks for posting the pic of Satan. He is very good-looking...hee hee, like me!

Myeo said...

We totally believed that non of these was your doing.

Wow, you are going to be a big boy now. We are so proud of you.

Boy n Baby