Tuesday afternoon my human put me in my crate, turned on the fan and some music and left for work. I was in pretty good spirits when she left, I mean I was pretty tired and I got a treat. So being in my crate meant that I could eat and sleep without some human constantly petting me and kissing my head.
At about 6:30 pm my human received a call from my God human. Why you ask...well because I had a serious case of the runs! Like really bad. See I'm a pretty clean dog, I have a thing about pooping and peeing in spots that I will NEVER play in or NEVER sleep in. Needless to say, the crate is not where I do my business. I was plenty angry by the time my God human got home to spring me free. I had my poo all over me, all over my crate and all on the outside of my crate (I really tried hard not to poo on the inside). Anyway, so my God human was worried and tried to clean up the mess...when she came outside to check on me I kept poo-ing and well, I kinda poo-ed out some blood...well okay a lot of blood in each poo. She freaked out, which freaked me out...then it happened, she called my human!
Next thing I know, my human was at the door...she had that look on her face. You all know what look I'm talking about, the look of "you're going to the vet, you're going to get poked and prodded, and I'm about to pay a lot of money." Then she did the ONE thing I hate the most! She inspected my poo! What is with these humans and their obsession about poo? Then what does she do? SHE BAGS IT! It's bad enough that I had to spend the afternoon laying in the poo, but she was going to bring bags of it to the Vet with us, and she tells me that I do disgusting things?
I got to the vet and cried when we walked in so they would get me in faster. I feel that the faster I get in, the faster I get out. They pulled me to the back and asked my human a million questions while they felt around my belly, put a thermometer in my butt and then listened to my heart with this stethoscope thing that I tried really hard to eat...it touched me first, it pretty much invited me to eat it!
Anyway, who cares what I ate or if there were any changes in my environment! I just wanted someone to make the burning in my butt go away! By the way, I got weighed while I was there and I am now 67 pounds! The vet tried to freak out my human by saying all the things I could be sick with, then suggested all these different tests that could be done.
As soon as I heard "tests" I knew that meant my butt was going to have more troubles than just burning, so I shot my human the "I'm ready to go home look"
and she just asked the vet what was necessary and what she would do for her own pet. The vet looked like she hadn't heard that before...so in all honesty she said that she wouldn't waste the money it would cost to test me at the hospital. She believed that I had Colitis, (upset Colin) I should be put on a bland diet and take some pills that will ease the swelling of my Colin. She also suggested a rectal exam...which I got...stupid human...I sniff her butt and she jumps, wait till she has to get a real rectal exam!
And I also got some fluid put under the scruff of my neck to keep my hydrated! I looked like a camel!
On the way out I met my new friend Gelato. He was at the ER because he got bit on the foot really bad. We were instant friends!
~Sigh~ When I got home I still wasn't feeling my 100% Awesomeness that is Bease...so I layed on the couch next to my human and told my hedgehog about my day...and my paranoid human.
Today, my butt is feeling better, and my human says that my poo is looking better. I don't even look at it, ones it hits the ground I'm outta there! That stuff stinks!
The good thing about being sick is that my human made me some chicken and rice, and today I got to eat some cottage cheese. I got little bits stuck in my fur...
Then, I got to chew on the container...
And my human wonders why my butt got sick...
Anyway, thanks to the chicken, rice and cottage cheese (my first taste of human food) I'm feeling much better. It doesn't hurt that my human loves on me and snuggles me when I'm nighmare-ing over the vet and the prodding.
Before I peace out, I want you all to know that if you stop by Chef's place you can vote on the best of the International Goody Exchange pictures! I know this all happened over a month ago, but it took the post office over a month just to get my package to my beloved friend Chef!!! You should all check it out! There are some awesome pictures of you all opening your presents and digging out the goods!!! So go get your vote on! Woohoo!
AAAANNNNND...I received this from my buddy Rambo!
He is one of my newest friends that I met on here! Make sure you all check him out and sniff out his space! Thanks so much for the Big Puffy Heart Rambo, you totally made my day! I would like to pass this along to Chef, Deetz, Faya and Willow! Those four always know what to say to bring a toothy grin to my face!
This is the now happily fuzzy butted Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out and reminding you all that if you hear your humans say the word "Vet," make sure you look like you feel 110% at all cost! For the sake of your butts don't ever let them know you feel icky!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Sorry to hear you had a poorly tum, hope you're feeling better a=with all that yummy chicken, rice & cottage cheese!
Cassidy x
Oh heck Mr T your day sounded awful.
What on earth upset your poor tum?
We are very glad you are having yummy things to eat to help you get better.
Molly and Taffy
OMG, what a day you had, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! After all that pain at the vets, did you have to have a bath too?! We hope you're feeling better!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Rice & cottage cheese....this is the best you can have when you butt is burning....2 days and after you will feel much better. My poor Beasley....I was so afraid because we haven't any news....nothing...not a word....
Now I understand. You know, my VĂ©ronique tells me sometimes when she receive the vet's bill that we are about to be proprietary of the clinic...great, you will come to my clinic next time !
Kisses, Faya
Poor Mr. T-Bone! After all that poking and prodding you had to have a dreaded bath too! Not a good way to spend a day! We hope you are feeling much better now!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi, T-Bone...
I'm sorry about your trip to the Vet...What an awful day...I hope you are feeling better now...
Chicken & rice always makes me feel better...I've never had cottage cheese though...
Take Care...
Abby xxxooo
Oh T...I'm sorry your not feeling well. What you described I know too well...even the camel back water thingy...arghhh!!!
Take it easy and milk the attention and cottage cheese for all that it is worth - W00t!
Lots of licks, Ruby
Poor guy. That sounds awful. What a tough day. That happened to my little brother Arrow and now we both eat special food that is pretty yummy. We had homemade food for a long time with rice. (My mom is very lazy about cooking.)
I hope your butt feels all better soon.
Oh Man, T-Bone! You were really feeling yucky! I am so sorry. I got really sick one night and pooped in my kennel because I had some leftover steak with SPICES on it. Now H-Mom knows what a sensitive tummy I have. Get better quick!
Bease, when I heard about your poop issues I was real concerned but now it sounds like you're recovering quickly. See, I sent out GetbetterBoxervibes and it worked. But stay away from the flip flops, Bease! That might help.
Thanks again for the amazing gifts and for the puffy heart.
Have a good butt day.
Oh my lord!!!! I was so afraid you accidentally opened up the bottle of farts and it exploded or you pastout or something like that....My mum has been so busy and I have been staying way out of trouble. Except mum came out the other day and there were large feathers in a big pile in the yard, but no bird body....She just knows there is a naked turkey running around the countryside....
Anywaz, I love you and hope that you butt is not burning anymore...thank god it didn't happen when you were bottling the farts....You know what? if someone hasn't been keepin up on the bottled farts thing...they are gonna put us in the insane farm for furry friends....lmao
Yikes! Nasty butt burns! It really hurts. And then to have the vet stick something up your burning butt. OMD. You did not have a fun day at all. You must have been wiped out.
Feel better!
Hey Mr. Beas - we're so glad your poo is better. that sounds like quite an ordeal.
omg T I had the same thing not too long ago! Colonitis, sucks! I had the runs, and momma tried so many at home remedies and none of which worked, to of course I was swept off and taken to the vet. Grr they stuck not just 1 thing, but 2 things in my butt! I dont think Ive ever yelped soo loud IN MY LIFE. I didnt like it and I made sure everyone knew it! Needless to say after all of that we did not have a pretty vet bill..... lets just say Im not getting anything new and shiney for a long time! Anyway itll clear up, and congrats on the award!
puppy breath,
w00f's Mr t, me iz sorrwy u wuznt feelin good...must b a belly bug going around...me gets that sumtimes and then me eats grass...glad u iz feelin better...
b safe,
Oh T dont be silly, tell you momma its fine if shes busy - we understand! Hehe were gonna finish sending out the rest of the treats when we get the boxes which should be today or tomorrow so yay! Look for some nummy treats heading your way!
puppy breath,
Poor Lad, we have both been poked and it is RUDE. Wait till they "express your anal glands" and we're not going there today. Try yogurt to re-establish the good bacteria in your tubes. Hugs
Sometimes a dude just gets the squirts. Doesn't mean the end of the world, but the humans tend to be very tightly wrapped. Plus, they are always happy to be able to show off our poo to other people and will use any excuse.
Grandpa Angus got bad squirties once and ran around the house spraying all the walls. Super yuck.
Hope your tummy is better soon.
We are so glad that your butt is feeling better. Those vets always have to violate us. What is up with that??
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Mr Beasley, you obviously needed to be with your hedgy pig on the sofa...poor you, covered in poopy.
Love 'n' snuffs
Yuck - poor you. Hope you are feeling better now Deetz and your Moms bank balance has recovered too!!!!
Wags, Eric
Gee T-Bone....
Sorry ta hear about yer digestive problems.....is that really yer first taste of human food? Gram cooks livers fer us with rice 'n adds it ta our dry food every night...we still get the chicken 'n rice when we're sick...sure hope yer feelin' better now.....
Dewey Dewter here.....
Hi Beasley Buddy ~
Lola Belle checking wiff you after my vacation....YIKES! You had some hard times my fwiend! I am so sorry to hear that....Is you're, ahm...bottom ....feeling much better now? I sure do hope so....
I will be looking in on you lots more. Vacation was good but now I gotta be in charge cuz those boyz at my houwse....they are outta control! A girlie has to set things straight.
Well Bease, I hope to get chat lots wiff you buddy...the boyz did tell me you are totally pawesome and all....
Nibbles and licky-licks...
Lola Belle
Hi, Mr. T!
Sure you had a bad day!
Chicken and rice work pretty well.
I hope you feel 110% well soon!
Congratulations on your award
Kisses and hugs
what a CRAPPY day. get it? ok that was in bad taste, :) I am glad you are feeling better!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley,
I am glad that nothing serious is wrong and happy your feeling better. My Mommy freaks everytime she notices something out of the ordinary and rushes me to the doggie doctor.. I use to like that place but not when they stick you with needles and stick that thing up you know where..yikes no fun at all. I bet the yummy chicken made you feel better! Get some rest! Kisses,
Oh poor you...Glad you are feeling better now. Hope no more visits to the vet in a long time to come. Hugs to you.
Oh dear.. I hope you're better today T-Bone. :(
~ Girl girl
I hope you´re feeling much better now!
That is good advice about the vet. I would not want my butt poked at all. I am glad you are ok. The human food is probably helping a lot!
You still poop'n buddy?
I send you great big paw huggies
The shouldn't even be called the "vet" they should just be called "THE BUTT DOCTOR"!! Seriously, what did ya get into? Was it good? I like the kitty food, that usually makes my poo icky-runny.
My mommy used to work for the "BUTT DOCTORS" so when I get sick like that I usually don't have to go in. You got the hook up with the food!!! You are training your mom right for the icky-runny poos!!! I guess you couldn't bottle up those farts huh!!!
Mommy is now in New Mexico with grandma and your momma Greta!! She told me your momma is a little cranky!!! We have a package for you and we are going to have our good buddy Sarah send it out! It is something that you REALLY need!
Rock on with the Nose-pokes,
Mr T-Bone Beasley, I don't like when you leave me like this without some news about your poor tummy... I realy don't like this !
Kisses, Faya
Oh no! I hope you're feeling better! Did you know that a teaspoon or two of plain canned pumpkin (NOT the pie mix) mixed with your meals can help firm up those poops? It's a natural treatment and it's worked miracles with me before!
Hope you enjoyed your first human food. I adore cottage cheese.... or anything cheese for that matter!
It's cool my picture is up for the vote in Bone Zone!!! Woohoo!!!
Hope you're feeling a lot better! That sounded just awful. I had the trots once and Mommy made me some rice, but I wouldn't eat it. Mind you, I eat CAT POOP. What does that say about Mommy's cooking?
Your pal,
Hey, we're glad things are better in the Nether Regions! Buster gets a rectal exam every time he gets a headache...
You have a hedgehog? So cool! We used to have the "live & prickly" variety. They'd curl around the humans' fingers in a big prickly ball. Cute, but not terribly sociable...
You poor guy. A sick stomach, bloody poop and then they stick things up your butt!! It is cruelty to animals.
Glad that you are feeling better now. That chicken and rice is good stuff.
Your friend,
Hi, T-Bone...
I gave you an Award...
Please stop by my Blog when you are feeling better to pick it up...
Abby xxxooo
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