First of all, he's much smaller than me, which makes playing bitey face a little more difficult. That doesn't mean that I can't do it...I just have to bend over a little bit more. Also, I don't really think he likes to play, but I make him do it anyway. I just gotta snap my jaws a little bit and he growls and then we LET THE BITEY FACE COMMENCE!
Secondly, he's taking over my house. He tries to snuggle with my human, and I won't let that happen. He forgets that she is MY human! So, I have to get up from whatever I'm doing to nose or butt him off the bed or couch. And even though I'm hot, I lay across my human's stomache to ensure that he doesn't come back.
I thought about peeing on her to mark my territory, but I foresee a nose whapping if that happens. Faya knows how I feel about noses...I would never jeapordize all that is a nose just to mark my human in pee. I often opt to slobbering her face in Bease slime. She can never get mad if she thinks she is getting lots of kisses...
Not only is he trying to steal my human, but he's eating my food...
He stays uncomfortably close while I chew on my Bully Sticks. He tries to steal my chewies too, so I gotta eat them as fast as possible...
My human even gave up one of my chewies just so he would leave me alone while I had a good and peaceful chew...
Thirdly, he sasses me, a lot...
So, I gotta sass him back and let him know who's boss...
I can't even nap in peace anymore. Wherever I nap...he naps. Wherever I sleep, he sleeps...
Once, I was laying on my bed, and he made a smelly so, I had to turn around and tell him that I only like the smells that come from my butt. Foreign smells are not happily accepted in my home.
Having another four legged human in my home is very stressfuul. Maybe I ought to fly away with the honkin'/fartin' duck...
Oh well...I suppose now I have a buddy to play bitey face with whenever I want.
On the brighter side of things, my human says that Thursday is when I get NEW-TURD!! I can't wait to see what that means for my turds! I hope the NEW-TURD is awesome!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
It's fun to have a friend visiting, but you better make sure to keep an eye on things. That new-turd thing sounds interesting...hmmm....I hope it's nothing serious!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You showed him who's boss! Anyway, it's only for 1 week.
Hi, T-Bone...
It looks like you are showing your new friend who's in charge...
Stealing your treats is one thing, but YOUR human??? No way...
Not sure about the new-turd thing...I think you may want to fly away with the honkin-fartin duck for a few days...
Abby xxxooo
Beasely a house guest? Nice to see that you are still in charge over at your house! Just think...I have to deal with a smaller 4 pawed every day! At least your guest is a terrier who knows how to have fun!!!
My hoomans will be in New Mexico for 2-3 weeks. Which I still think is crap. I am stuck at home with daddy and Pilar. Daddy gives me good lovin and treats but that Pilar is another story.
Be patient wiff your little friend. At least you can get rid of yours.
Aire slaps,
Hey! That same duck lives at our house! We call it "get-your-duck-kill-the-duck!" and then it gets flung all over the living room. Be patient with your little friend. He's kind of cute!
Buddy & you look like great buddies!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Mr. T-Bone,
Don't be intimidated, I think he looks up to you. Wish I could play bitey face, I did it once with Tabba, since then I grab ears and hang on - whoops.
Love 'n' snuffs
You poor baby! I'm glad you're putting your visitor in his place. But on the other hand, it might be kind of fun once you get used to having Buddy around to play with.
Don't tell Levi about the "new-turd." He's getting one next month and I want it to be a surprise.
Levi's mom
tomorrow you get a new turd? I wonder what kind of turd it will be? I faurted last night really loud right behind mummy and she started snorting out her nose....
My mum is off tomorrow afternoon and all day know what that means bease? Almost 4 whole days without blogging with you...this is madness!!! I won't be able to sleep, eat, or do anything at all
It is great to have a friend sometimes.... Maybe he sees you like a model and this is why he makes all like you...
Kisses, Faya
Buddy's a cutie, Beasley! I know he's movin' in on your space, but it's only for a week! He'll be gone before you know it and then you will wish you had him back to play bitey-face.
Good luck with that new-turd thing!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
can that little dude even see? gosh he has a lot of hair! I know how you feel about canine invaders, but at least you know he is leaving someday, Tanner is here to stay!
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I only have one idear what a new turd is and i hope its not what im thinking cause it could be smelly.
good video i can see hoe bitey face can be a bit difficult.
Ludo the cool
Hi Bease,
Hope you have a fun time with Buddy - I am sure you can keep him in line.
Good luck Thursday, you will do fine! :)
Love Clover xo
I know what you mean, how having another four-legged human in the house can be quite stressful. Tomorrow my neighbor Maltese, Keda, is coming to stay at our house for a week again... I like to be with her, but I get so very jealous when the humans pay any attention to her! All the attention belongs to me, me, ME.
I hope you and Buddy will get along fine while he's stayin' at your house... You must admit, having a bitey-face partner can be quite fun!
Your new buddy is awfully cute and I bet he'd make a great brother but mom is quite certain I can't have a new brother until after we move again. I wonder where we are going? I love the farm.
Anyway I did tell her we could wait until I'm two years old - so we've got less than six months!
Be sure to be a good host, he needs a little love while he's at your house.
Slobbery Kisses,
Butt them out of the way, eh? That sounds pretty good to me! I'll try it when Keda comes over... I'm almost twice her size, so it should work!
Aren't you glad Buddy is just visiting?! Learning how to share is not easy, is it!
Good luck on your neuter, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! We'll be thinking of you and hoping that you won't have to wear the dreaded lampshade!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Buddy is a foxy boy like me. But obviously NOT like me at all.I wouldn't treat you like that Bease. I would make you play, play play all day...and night...maybe he's old n grumpy huh? And me thinks he is jealous of you....getting the new turd? Ouch. Poor Bease.
Wiry wags, Eric
Pee s- Wow! I've got it!! What about some flip-flops to stop your feet getting hot on the ground?? Wicked idea!!!!
Hi, Mr. T!
sure is nice to have Buddy at your house... for a week!
Looks like he is all teeths!
Paws crosse for you with your new-turd!
Kisses and hugs
Buddy looks like a cute little guy. But I can see how it could get annoying if he copies everything you do.
At least he will play chew face with you but I think you are right to keep him away from your person.
Your friend,
Hi Mt. T
Too bad you have that little pest-- who is kinda cute-
is getting in your stuff and taking attentions that should be yours. Lots of kisses-- show your human who really loves her. Good luck with that new turd.
In time to come, we are sure that Buddy and you will be best of friends.
Boy n Baby
Oh no Mr. T-Bone Beasley, you are getting neutered! It has nothing to do with turds, but you will miss your bits. You can ask Noah for specifics if need be. I fee for you man, it's no fun, but you will get some good drugs that knock you out.
I'm sorry you are having issues with Buddy. I think the bitey face pat thing is cool, but weird stinkies is not. Have fun for the rest of his stay and good luck tomorrow!!! I'll be thinking of you!
You have a really interesting house guest. Looks like Little Buddy is keeping you busy, eh?
New-turd? Hmm...
Bease... what about jellies? You have those shoes there over the pee? Hmm do you call em jellies???? Maybe they would melt though:(
Hope you feel ok today after the turd thing. Take it out on Buddy if not hehehe!!
Hey T-Bone
Mum leaves early today and I will not get to blog with you for 4 whole days...Its madness!
I wonder if you can google new turd and see if maybe its a new treat or something.
Your given your One Eye look in that last picture....thats funny.
Hi Mr. T,
It's Rambo the chi here stopping by to say "hi"! Your blog is incredibly funny.
PS. FYI.....I got a new turd too and dawg, believe me, it's got nothing to do with your turds. Say bye-bye to your little bits way down there.
Just checking to see how your new turds are, Bease... and how you're doing since the transformation. Y'ok, buddy?
Ruh roh... they're gonna take your boy bits T... I'll be thinking of ya on Thursday, hope everything goes smoothly and you get to enjoy some nice, goofy sleep...
Buddy is awfully cute - I'm sure he'll figure out how things are done in the T-Bone household soon enough :)
Who is that little guy and what's he doing in your house anyway? All taking your toys and humans and stuff. Jeez!
Good luck with the new turd. I don't think its quite what you are expecting.
hey Mr. Beasley, your little friend is pretty feisty, but it's kind of nice to have another dog around, isn't it? just as long as the kid remembers your rules and doesn't try to steal your human away from you.
did you know that Brody's birthday was the same as Deetz's? isn't that cool!
today is Friday, so we hope you did okay with that new turd thing. we got that and it didn't bother us too much.
It's fun to have a friend visiting..
pass a grate time whit him
send you and your friend a big hug
I think that your little friend idolizes you and he is trying to be just like you! You should feel special. Oh, and Deetz did a celebrity report for me since my mom has been so busy....come see!
Happy 4th to you!
....psssst Mr. Beasley ! ....How are you ? I hope this new-turd was ... great....nice....hum...
I am waiting for news.....
Kisses, Faya
Have a nice 4th of July...
WOW that kid looks like us!! We would NEVER do any of that stuff though...tee hee love A+A
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