Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Salutations my friends!!! First of all, please accept my apologies for my humans laziness. I told her that it was way important to stop by all your blogs this weekend, but instead she took me to like this mini farm thing that belongs to a friend of hers.

YEA!!! Like a farm with chickens and horses, and another dog name Black Berry!

This is Black Berry, and my corndog tail! Dang I have a great butt!

Me and Black Berry again, keeping a look out for chickens!

Then, we went to a grassy area. I tried to play bitey face, but Black Berry wanted a piggy back ride. I wouldn’t let him on…

After we played for a bit, it was time to find those chickens!!! I got to chase one! It made all sorts of cool sounds, and I found out that chickens can fly really, REALLY high! Yea! I totally chased it over a fenced after it hovered for a while! Unfortunately, my human didn’t get a picture of my great chicken hunt. She was trying to catch me without having a chicken fly into her head.

I would have loved if a chicken flew into my head!

There was a Zebra chicken…

And an Afro chicken…that one was my favorite!

A couple of peacocks…

Once my human was able to capture me, I was locked out of the chicken area! Why do I always have to be behind bars! “I’m locked up, they won’t let me out, locked up they won’t let me out!” I totally feel Akon the rapper’s pain in this song!

And this is Nelly the horse. I went to go sniff her until a human came running and said that she likes to bite dogs…So I got yanked by the butt, which I did not appreciate...my corndog tail is way sensitive!

Here are a couple more pictures of the horses! You will notice my humans white and pastey arm feeding a horse! A horse! And she wouldn’t let me have any of the food! This is one of those moments where she is evil!

And there was another moment that her evil side showed up. This is a pool…

Not any pool of course, the pool that my human put me in. She wanted to see if I could swim, or even liked to swim. I tried to remind her of the time I fell in the deep end of the lake at the dog park, and was forced to swim…but she said that didn’t count.

So, in I went! It took me a little bit to get my back paddlers to work. Luckily, my butt floats! I tried to get out at the deep end, but there were no steps, and I can’t quite yet figure out how to turn around. So, at that point I became panicked! The God human turned me around and I was able to swim back to safety! I was so exhausted, that I couldn’t even get out of the water…I stretched out on the steps and rested my chin on the deck of the pool and just stared at my human. At that point she knew of my unhappiness, but all she did was laugh! She’s evil, no? Again, there was no picture…the human was busy playing life guard!

After all the stress of finding a chicken while being locked up, I got hungry. So I found some chicken poo that smelled like a good thing to eat! So I ate it…then barfed it back up! It was pretty cool, the human nearly gagged…but I like playing magic tricks like that! I make things disappear and re-appear!
There was also a pot in the backyard that I was afraid of! It was a way creepy pot! My tail was totally tucked and I tried to stay low to the ground!

When I got home I crashed, hard. The human even poked me and I wouldn’t move my head, just my eyes…if even that! It was a long day.

I hope some day my human gets me my very own chicken. Until then, my chicken comes to me in a pot!

Pee-Ess: Everyone keep your Paws Crossed for Jackson!!

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out and reminding everyone to be on the look out for chickens!!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Rambo said...

you are sooo funny. Chasing chickens, skinny dipping, playing bitey face and piggy back. Whew! That's too much for a dog in a single day. No wonder you are pooped!

Lacy said...

woof's Mr T, looks like u had a pawtastic weekend..chaseing chickens, playing wiff horses...and ur evil mom makin u swim in da deep end...me iz happy u iz safe...

b safe,

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You really had a fun packed day. Don't be too hard on your "evil" mom for making you go swimming. She probably just wants to make you know how to swim in an emergency.

Levi's mom

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Bease,
That farm place looks like fun especially chicken chasing. You look tuckered out by the end of the day. I guess keeping Blackberry off ya would have been exhausting lol.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Kirby said...

Hey Beasley,

That farm looks so pawsome! I just love horsies, but I've never seen a chicken. That would have been so cool to chase those suckers around! I think the best chicken is the chicken on the stove! Mmmmm yum! Thanks for sharing the great pictures, I see why you were so tired once you got home!!

Your pal,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T!
I can see you had a great day! Blackberry sure had a great time too!
I've never seen chickens alive! Like yours, mine came from a pot!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

What a great time you had there! Sounds like an animal farm to me! Black berry is handsome!

Have something for you at our blog. Do come by to pick it up.

The Black and Tans. said...

Mr T

That is my kind of a day! Chickens, woohoo.. If you want tips on how to get over/through the fence to catch one just let me know. I really am a master chicken catcher as you may remember!!


I despair of you both.......why do chickens need to be chased. It really is so much easier having them served on a plate!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh that farm sure look very fun. :)

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

What a fun filled day you had Mr. T-Bone Beasley! We've never met a chicken! They sure have funny hairedos!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

It looks like you had a really fun day, Beasley! You better watch out for those chickens. We hear they could peck a 'dale's eyes out!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Dexter said...

This just confirms my theory that all those black labradudes are nothing but stupid hump meisters.

Why are the horses all wearing masks? Some sort of early halloween?

You should get your own chicken. Your mom is so mean.


Deetz said...

Training Class? Your mum should have asked you if you wanted trained before taking you too class! What did she expect anywaz. I am sure you were not all that bad, maybe your mum was just having a bad day. I am sure it was nothing you did. I got bounced off the barn walls from my daddy, I was so bad last night. Its okay though, cuz it didn't hurt. He forgets I weigh alot more then him and he was exhausted, I guess he just needed the exercise. I won't come when they call me and it is ticking them off since Charlotte ran away, so I guess I should start coming when called. Maybe later I will.
That other dog was way tooo big for a piggyback ride, good for you for not allowing it.

Faya said...

It is so nice to have news from you ! I love chicken but I prefer them with cottage cheese and so green beans.... This farm looks very nice to visit. I love the Zebra Chicken. We don't have like this one in Switzerland...
Kisses, Faya

Unknown said...

You look ZONKED in the last photo! That's what Booker does after just 1/4 of the day that you had. You must have eaten extra kibble that night. Did you have chicken-chasing dreams?

The 3 G-Dales said...

Wow Bease, what fun for you...you got smell chickens butt stuff....I think we would have liked the horses too...we've never been to a farm but we think someday we will...there are a few near us.

Hey Bease, we just want you to know we love ya....thanks for the well wishes for Jack too.

Be a good Bease boy ok?

Nose pokes!
The G-Dales!

Maya and Kena said...

That farm looks like a lot of fun to play around in!
We like the afro chicken too! We've never seen one like that!!
We wanna live on a farm...
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Gaia the Airedale said...

T you sure had a fantastic time I can see! Hangin with all of those chickens and the horsey and Black Berry! I dont really like to swim, so I feel bad for you that you even had to go in! Gotta love your momma though :)

puppy breath,

Chef said...

Is the chicken that's cooking in the pot one of the ones from the farm, Bease? Is there something you're not telling us? I can't imagine having more fun than chasing a bunch of chickens around. Man, you're lucky.


the many Bs said...

oh what a cool adventure you had. we would love to visit a real farm with chickens! those chickens look like a ton of fun.

that swimming pool looks pretty nice too. we think you just need some swimming pals like us to make it more fun for you.


Dewey Dewster said...


Ya sure had a good time at the farm...those chickens are pretty neat....hard ta believe they turn inta the meat that we eat, isn't it? Where are all their feathers then?
It sounds like ya didn't enjoy the pool...maybe ya need ta start out with a small one first....rest up and you'll feel better soon....

Dewey Dewster here....

Joe Stains said...

That is so totally cool you got to go to a farm!! My friend has chickens and he lives right over on 44th street and Thomas!! I want to go over there and see them, but MOm said NO WAY. whatever, they look SO fun. I am glad you got away from those bitey horses, they have HUGE mouths dude!

Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

Busy day for you...

You must need a nap...

Abby xxxooo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoa T Bone....wow!! What a day you had! And then they tossed ya in the pool? I have that back end trouble a lot too...Stan's butt floats (is gas lighter than air???) but mine has a tendency to sink like a stone. Now if ya just swam one length and were too exhaused to get out?? I think we might need to put ya on some sorta Dale fitness program. You know...push up, sit ups, a little jogging/ swimmin'/ biking??? With the Paw lympics startin' this week, you could be inspired...I'll be ur trainer....

Those chickens were astounding...I had NO idea what they looked like before they hit the pot!!! As for inbibin' in chicken dodododo...YUK!!! Scruffy woulda loved it!

Hugs and kissies, T...


Niamh said...

I would have loved to have seen those chickens-I could have pointed at them for you. Those horses wearing masks looked strange. Are they playing at being super heros or something?

Your friend,

Chef said...

Hey Bease, Pass by my blog to pick up an award!!


Deefor said...

Those chickens look like fun to chase. I never had chicken poop. In the winter I like frozen goose poop--a rare delicacy cause the geese don't stay in our park long. What a fun place that farm is. Hope you go back soon.


Deetz said...

Hey Beasley Dude
I have had to take over being Manager for Fenway, since his mum is horrible at it....He needs votes for a photo contest...Its actually really really good....You can go to the link on my bloggie and vote...would you please tell as many as you can....I got alot of work to do......oh, and I love you

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That sure looks like a fun time you had! I really like all the animals in your post. I would be pooped too after a great day like that!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What a pawsome adventure! Those chickens looked very tasty! I'm very curious as to why those horses were wearing balaclavas. Were they about it go on a bank raid or something? You can tell I'm a city dog! J x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a great outing... the farm is a nice place to visit... did u get to chase those chickens?

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Ya know.... it is just so much easier having your hooman mommy cook for you and "serve it up!" Though I must admit, I think chasing chickens would be a great deal of fun. Mommy took out our fish pond because I kept "baiting" the birds and catching them in mid air! If no birds were around.... well, I just helped myself to the fish in the pond. Either way, it was all good for me.... until My Mommy had enough!

Apache and her tribe

Sami & Baylee said...

I am so jealous, you had the funniest day ever! I happy you had so much fun and sad I missed the chicken hunt. I love farms, mommy says we are getting one in a year or so and maybe she will get me my very own chicken to hunt, hee hee. What a wonderful day you had!


Willow the Black Dale said...

Bease-I would rather wait by the pots of chichen then the chicken coop!! You did look like you were having fun.
I can't believe your mom made you get in that pool, how evil. Did you bite her????
Hey did you hear my hoomans were home? Sorry they didn't get to meet you. I bet they will on the next trip out.


Clover said...

Hi Bease!
Looks like you had a super fun time. Maybe next time you can catch a chicken?
Love Clover xo

Deetz said...

Fenway already won under protest from another contestant...apparently my managerial skills are outstanding. They thought he stole votes because so many voted after I made my announcement....so funny......

Eric said...

Exciting but curious day Mr Beasley. Why were those horsies wearing hoods? And why does Nelly bites dogs??? And how cruel to put you in the pool... but eating chciken woopies - twice- thats nice!

Wags, Eric

BTW - gues what I used in my paintings to get the orange and the tan colours?he,he

Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

I gave you an Award...

Stop by & pick it up when you get a minute...

Abby xxxooo

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

P.S. We have something for you on our August 12th entry. When you get caught up from your vacation, stop by.

Levi and mom

Deetz said...

I wish you could smell my girlfriend....awe its glorious! I can't eat, sleep, I am not even interested in snackies. I tell my mum hello when she gets home and I head back over to the neighbors. Mum has to call Mylea and check on me and make sure I am okay. IF you could smell her you would understand...its better then any farts

Georgeous said...

oh I've seen those chickens, when I was in the dogs home, there were some as my neighbours - how they taunted me, living with each other whilst i was alone. peck peck, i'll give em woof woof & put 'em in the pot.

Stanley said...

Aw, Bease!

I LOVE to hear you bark, man. Sounding more and more like a big dog, buddy.

Wish I could have been there with you on that farm. I happen to LOVE farms, and they love me. I too clean up the extra chicken and goat poo, then make it reappear.

Even though your girl is EVILLLL, I think she was trying to help you in a weird and twisted way. At least now you'll know how to turn around in the water next time you need to, right?

I'll be catching up on all you've been up to the past few weeks while I was gone. Can't wait to see the adventures!

Goober love & smooches,

Pee Ess
My girl LOVES your corncob tail, STella agreed that you do have a fine booty, and I'm here to tell you the Octopus is still alive... but barely.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful life with all those critters T-Bone.. You need to get the poor deaf puppy although heelers and very HYPER.. We think Callie has more energy than Louie did.. But they are so much fun..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Kess And Her Mama said...

Hi there Mr T-Bone. My humans were away for 3 weeks so I'm way behind catching up on all my pals' blogs. You sure met lots of farm animals. Can u use Blackberry to send emails? Sorry... I'm being corny here. Couldn't resist the Blackberry joke.

Kirby said...


When you are back and blogging, check out my blog, I've got an award for you!!

Your pal,

Andra said...

Holey Moley-That was quit the adventure!!!
-Luke and Liesel

Deetz said...

DUDE.....I need a playmate really bad....are you sure your mum can't box you up and send you over for the weekend? I will take care of you...

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi T-Bone!

Scottie here...nice to meet you! Wow,you had so much fun at the farm place! I didn't know that there were so many types of chickens...the only chickens I knew were served to me on my dish...heh!


George the Pup said...

Wow does that look like fun! I think I'd like chasing chickens, at least I'd like to find out!

Sorry I haven't been around for a while, Mommy's been "busy"! But I can make up for it - I've got a little something for you on my bloggie!

Myeo said...

No wnder you sleep so deep, you had a fun packed filled day :)

We never tried chasing chickens but lookint at you, it must lod of fun.

Boy n Baby

Deetz said...

I will miss you this weekend, Beasley. Mum said she has saved two jars of coins for our trip someday, and I have saved 4 bottles of farts. They should be very potent by Spring.

Chef said...

Bease!! How are you doing? How are your classes going? I bet you're teaching all the others by now.

Yeah, all Mamas have this thing about being busy. Busy, busy, busy. They're always busy being busy. Sometimes I get sick of it too but then when my Mama comes and says, "where's your ball.Let's play ball," I forget all about it and try not to take it personally.

Like this weekend, my Mama and Papa are so busy but they're actually taking me to a BBQ tomorrow at my breeder's house and I'm going to get to play with my Boxer family.... I can't wait.

Yeah, my relationship with Gucci is going real well. She's so pretty and sweet. Soon she's going to come to Montreal for a date. But before she gets here, Petey is grooming me on how to be a boyfriend so I'll know what to do.

When are you going to get a girlfriend, Bease? It's really cool having a girlfriend. Gets my snout all pink, which is sometimes embarrassing. You have a beard so no one will know. But you should start looking around. There's lots of cute little girliepups out there who I bet would love you as a boyfriend.

Hope you have a great weekend.


Faya said...

12 days without you......tell your Mom this is not normal ! Give me Mr. T-Bone Beasley back please......please.....please....
Kisses, Faya

Tenkiller Airedales said...

BEASLEY.....WHERE ARE YOU!!!?? This is momma Greta son.... I'm worried. Your hooman didn't get rid of you did she??? Is school that awful???? Let me hear from you.... or I'm going to come look for you.

VERY worried hugs and slurps,
Momma Greta

The Black and Tans. said...

Mr T

It's been very quiet...where are you?

Hope all is OK.

Molly and Taffy