Saturday, November 15, 2008

Copy C-A-T!

Hello! Did you all like my magic trick?

See, I made you all believe that I disappeared, but here I am!

Muahahahaha! I do a great disappearing act!

Where have I been you ask? Well I’ve been busy! I’ve been busy protecting all of my belongings from the C-A-T-S that I live with!

That’s right! Those things think they are all sneaky and stuff, but they aren’t! I caught on to their sneaky business! Mostly it’s Linus that is trying to take over my identity, but sometimes Satan gets in on the sneekiness as well.

It all started out when Linus decided that he liked the bed that my human keeps in her room. My “bedroom bed” we shall call it!

Then he decided to take over the bed that I keep in the living room. My “living room bed” of course!

Can you believe that he would take over that bed? I mean that’s the bed that I use to commence such activities such as…

Stick inspection…

Working on my Watch Dog skills with my eyes closed (it’s misleading and sneaky, I know…)

He even wanted to take over my crate, which is way too big for him...

So then, Satan tried to take over my black Kong! I was like, “Oh my CRAP Satan, my Kong is bigger than your head! You can’t have it!”

Soon thereafter, the C-A-T-S stopped trying to take over my belongings. Instead they tried to take over my IDENTITY!!! That’s right! They totally want to be me!

Look at Linus trying to copy cat my sleeping skills…

And here he is trying to lap water like I do…

He doesn’t drip water all over the floor quite as well as I do. The dripping of water from my beard is a task that I take very seriously. It’s to keep up my human’s awareness and tests her reflexes. It’s because I love her that I do these things…

Anyway, there wasn’t anything else I could do other than to take over some of their crap! I ate and demolished a couple of their favorite catnip toys. But they don’t know that yet, they just think they are missing…they were small anyway. I’m sure they will find some of the remains in my poop tomorrow…

Then, I took over their play tube!

Once I invaded their territory, the theftage of my identity came to a screetching halt…and I was like, “Booyah C-A-T-S! That will teach you to take over the identity of someone whose nose is bigger than yours! Woot! Woot!”

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out and reminding you all to watch every move you make, and every step you take ‘cause more than likely, there will be a C-A-T watching you and trying to take over your identity!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Noah the Airedale said...

Of course the cats want to be you....who can blame them.
It's so good to see your handsome face. We missed you Bease!

Noah x

Unknown said...

Your blog is so cute!
Please check out mine, maybe be a follower too????

Don't forget to take a sec to sign my guestbook so I know you came by!

Unknown said...

hi buddi
you have something to your mom in our blog..
a big hug

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, glad you're BACK Beasley!!! Your chute is too small even for your head to fit in. Hee! Satan looks very satanic!

Back to my BOOGIEself,
Solid Gold Dancer

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh Beasley, it is just the opposite at my house! My brother Bear tries to look like me with the same color furs and he is using my stuff!!!! Did you see this post?

I have been told that imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but I just don't know......

Loved your post today!

Clover said...

Hi Bease!
Haha those cats.... well I am glad you put them in their place!
Love Clover xo

Agatha and Archie said...

Well don't talk to us about cats taking over your identity...THEY ARE VERY VERY SNEAKY BE CAREFULL Love and kisses A+A

Chef said...

In my house, they call that sharing but I'm not so sure anymore... glad you're back, Bease. I sure have missed you.


Duke said...

You gotta watch those kitties, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! They're sneaky and rotten to the core!
Good job keeping them in their place!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Toffee said...

That C-A-T didn't get any of your food did he? Cuz I would have given a "whut for" if that happened!

Niamh said...

Since there are no cats at my house I had no idea that they are so devious. Thanks for the warning. Good for you to take over their tunnel!

Your friend,

Joe Stains said...

The CATS in Amsterdam tried to take my DAD!

Kirby said...

Bease, I'm so happy that you put those cats in their place. Who are they to impersonate you? There can only be one T-Bone Beasley! He is one of a kind, an original!! A kitty in our building needed a new home and Mom considered it, and I'm so happy someone else scooped him up. I'm not sure if I'm willing to share my home with a feline yet. I'm not sure if I'm willing to share with a canine yet. He he!! I'm so happy you are back and blogging, kisses to your pawsome Mom who has done such a wonderful job with the card exchange. Mom and I have to get working on our cards. He!

Your pal,

Bogart H. Devil said...

I HEAR YA on the cat thing... good to see ya B...


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T!
I'd love to have kitties in my house!
Glad you are back and letting us know your adventures with your kitties!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Glad to hear you are doing well there. Except for the copy cat...

the many Bs said...

hi Mr. Beasley, that's a scary story about those cats. we didn't know they could be so pushy and take over stuff that belongs to a much larger dog. we don't have any cats, so we don't have any experience in these kinds of things, but it sounds like you can't trust them one bit. we're glad you found a way to get even.


Princess Patches said...

Who wouldn't want to be you, Beasley? You did a very good job of keeping your identity from being thieverized by those c-a-t-s! We're glad you're back!!!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Abby said...

Hi, Beasley...

Glad you're back...I missed you...

That bed thing would really bother me...It's Mine...

Abby xxxooo

Myeo said...

We never knew that cats can be so sneaky.

Boy n Baby

Bae Bae said...

Oh.. you sure are good to stop them from copying you T-bone. :)

~ Bae

Eric said...

Hey Bease, wondered where you'd been. No wonder the kitties want to be like you, who wouldn't with your handsomness and clever tricks? Remember the cats are always good for a chase or two and they do leave us the bestest snackets those yummy munchy scrunchies in the ltter tray.
Wiry wags, Eric x x x

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Oh, my gosh! That is seriously scary to have a cat invade your space. Let's all pretend he doesn't exist. Maybe he'd get bored and go away.


Dewey Dewster said...


I can tell ya that we will never have ta worry about any cats tryin' ta steal our idenity and beds....cause if any cats ventured inta this house they would go out in pieces.... we were never raised with 'em and now it's too late.....but ya be careful fer sure cause I can see they were really tryin' ta do ya in....

Dewey Dewster here....

The Black and Tans. said...

HI Mr T Bone

WE are very pleased you have sorted those CATs. We don't live with any and if one so much as puts a paw on our garden is well and truly sorted.

Glad to see you around again, we just thought you were busy helping the hooman with the DWB card exchange list and what a marvellous job you have done.

Molly and Taffy

Urban Smoothie Read said...

having some kitty mate @ home looks really fun.. maybe i ought to get one 2

George the Pup said...

My kitties steal my stuff all the time, but I'm never allowed to steal their stuff - I don't get this whole double standard thing!

Chloé said...

Hi!mr.t-bone... i love your blog, and you can say to your mom, that she´d make a wonderful work with DWB xmas´cards... We love xmas time!!!Congratulations!!!


Rambo said...

I missed your sense of humor dude. Glad you are back cause you are one funny dog.
Those there are copy cats. You better beware. But who can blame them for wanting to be a good looking dog like yourself.
be safe~

Kess And Her Mama said...

You show them who's boss Mr T-Bone! Good job. The cats will think twice before stealing your identity and your beds!

PS. I have an award for you. Come by and collect it!

World of Animals, Inc said...

We know all doggies would love to be like kitties for a day. The proof is in the photos that you shared. Looks like you two have some fun. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals