Saturday, August 30, 2008


Hello my friends! Sorry to not have blogged in quite some time, but we have been having some big storms here in Arizona…well, big for Arizona anyway.

I had a good time getting all smelly in the mud and stuff, but even I got a little grossed out by my stentch. Thus, I opted for a bath…by my own will too. This must be a sign of becoming a big boy or something. Maybe… But, secretly…between just all of us, my human first put me in the bath, then bathed me. After I got all dry and stuff I chose to go back to the tub, lick up the remaining water then dig at the tub a bit, just to show it who is boss.

Here is Arizona before the storm…

Then for some reason, the sky God’s were having a rave in the sky! All their sweat fell on us, it was like raining and stuff!

Hehehe, so hopefully the internet connection stays working well!

I keep Linus company while he tries to stay hidden in a box!

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out and reminding you all to stay away from the lightening…cooked hotdogs belong on the grill…mmm hotdogs…

I'll sniff yah later...

Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Niamh said...

Glad that you were ok during that big storm. We had a storm tonight and our power was out for an hour.

Your friend,

Lacy said...

w0-0f's Mr. T, did u seed poor joey, he wuz in the baffroom skaking soo hard when those bad storms wuz there....hope they all gone now....

b safe,

Lacy said...

w0w, me just watched the video, looked like the 4th of July again...

b safe,

Joe Stains said...

that storm the other night was BRUTAL, I was so so scared!!

Noah the Airedale said...

Geez Bease that is some storm. It must have been loud.
Stay safe ok.


the many Bs said...

hey Beasley, good job on showing the bathtub who is boss. that's a great idea and we might have to do that sometime too.

that is some video of your lightening. you must be very brave. we don't think we would like that kind of storm.

we hope your storms are all gone now and you can have fun again.


Faya said...

I am glad that you and your family are safe...what a big storm !
A bath.....poor Mr. Beasley...I only had one bath until now...
But I am sure you smell you smell good Mr. Beasley ?
Kisses, Faya

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T!
Storms are scary! I hope they go away from you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

It's gwweat to see you!!!
That suwe was a scawy big stowm..I'm glad all of you wewe safe inside..I bet you'we vewy bootifully clean..I've nevew gone in the tub by muself..I hate bafs..but I get sooo many kisses aftew and compliments that I guess it's wowf it
smoochie kisses

Thor and Jack said...

How scary! Glad you all are safe! I hope no storms now!

Love and licks

Chef said...

Geez Bease. That was the wierdest lightning I ever saw. It was like some kind of light show or something. It's a good thing there was no thunder because I wouldn't have been able to even look at that video. Oh, and I'm very impressed that you put the bathtub in its place. I'm going to have to teach my bathtub who's boss around heretoo because my bathtub has it all wrong. You are sooo cool, Bease. Hey, I drove my Papa's truck today! I'll blog about it later this week. What a joyride!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hey Bease! Cool video. It looked like laser light show or something! Hope ypu are having a good weekend and no more storms!

Sunny, Scootr & Jamie(the human bean)

Kess And Her Mama said...

Storms are no fun! I am so glad that all was well with you.

Deefor said...

Hi Mr T. That was sooo much lightening! I'm glad you like the bathtub. Mine scares me a lot. My humans have to hold me down.


Amber-Mae said...

Oooh, I bet it's a bad one! Please stay safe ok?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh that storm sure looks scary....
I'm glad you're safe

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

We missed you, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! We were the only two Airedales strolling down the streets of Nantucket!
We're glad to be home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

We're glad you were safe during the storms, Beasley! Our pawrents used to live in Phoenix and then Mesa so they've seen lots of those light shows! They are very pretty, but scary too! Glad you are okay! You really got into the bathtub by yourself? What were you thinking? I, Poppy, sometimes get into the shower after Dad gets out, just to lick up the water, but never the bathtub!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

BenTheRotti said...

Glad to hear you weathered the storms (sorry about the pun!) Stay safe buddy.

Ben xx

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee T-Bone...

we've been hearin' about the storms and hurricanes makin' their way across the US......we're dry here fer awhile but hopin' everyone in the path of those storms stay safe and sound.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Unknown said...

Bease, you've grown up SO handsome! I'm glad you like baths. Were you as afraid of the storm as poor Joe Stains?

Rambo said...

Hi Mr. T,
we heard about those storms in AZ. We've been getting some of the humidity and clouds from those storms. It's been quite uncomfortable and sticky for a dawg, even a small chi! Stay safe.

Cassidy said...

I can't believe you voluntarily got in the bath! Are you sure you weren't hiding from the sotrm in there? That's what big Harry does.

Cassidy x

Deetz said...

Beasley bud.....I thought I would never see the day you were in a tub all by yourself and all on your own....are you crazy?
You are sure growing up. I was proud of you protecting Mr. Kitty
durin the storm

Gaia the Airedale said...

oohh big scary storms huh? We got some of those here couple months ago...I dont like them too much. But glad you stuck through them ok!

puppy breath,

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I hope the storm was not too scary. Linus is in the box? Whoa!

Dexter said...

At least you didn't hide out in the bathroom like Joey. That is mighty strange weather you've been having.
