Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just Hosin' Around...

Greetings from my backyard!!! Over the weekend, while my human was sleeping I found these!

Yea! That's right! Whoever buried the sprinkler hoses in the backyard obviously didn't dig them deep enough, because it was a piece of cake to get to them. I even chomped on one a bit and gave it a tug! The coolest part of it, is that when I pulled on the hose it came further and further out of the groud! Mmmmm, chewy gummy hosey goodness!

So, when my human woke up she could do nothing but laugh...She let me have my fun for a little bit more...

But, then she decided to patch up the holes and burry the hoses a little deeper. So, while my human was sleeping I didn't dig up the hoses just for fun...I dug them up because I've noticed that my human has been gaining a little weight. Thus, by me digging up the hose, she had to buy a shovel and dig into the dirt and do a little manual labor. Of course she got the boy human to help her out so they both lost a little weight thanks to my hard work.

Ahhhh what I won't do for my human!

Now, I was tagged by Penny, Poppy and Patches for the Name Meme game...

1. What is your name? Officially, it is Mr. T-Bone Beasley. However, I also go by Bease, Beasley, T-Bone, Big Bear, Mr. T, You Little ~bleep~, DAMN'T MY SHOE!, and Bean Head. Those are the most recent names, of today any way. My human likes to be creative with my names and of course I don't mind...a little variety is good I suppose.

2. If you could change your name, what would it be? Beasley Ruler of the World!!! Or Fuzz Bucket of Love wouldn't be so bad either.

3. What is your pet's name (it can be a webkinz or a real pet)? I have my Squiggly dog that I like to beat up more often than not. If I get a little rough with him I also give him a few kisses to heal any wounds that I may have brought him.
4. What is your brother or sister's name? Don't have one of those, but I do have a cat named Satan who is my roommate!
Okay, I think lots of you furry ones out there have been tagged, so I won't tag anymore!
Abby also awarded me the Arte-y-Pico award!!!

In accordance with the rules set by Arte-y-Pico I must clearly state THE grab a pawtini and make yourselves you go...

1) You have to pick FIVE blogs that you consider deserve this award for creativity, design, interesting material and also contribute to the blogger community regardless of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited.

3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given him/her the award itself.

4) Award winners and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of the "Arte-y-Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of the award

5) In compliance with said RULES, the award winner must show the RULES.

Now, I'm thinking that lots of others have received this I will pick one other to share the award with! I would like to pass this along to the 4xB's! They always come up with some of the best stories...and there are four of them! So,'s like each of them are getting the award! Woohoo! Go 4xB's!!!

Thank you so much Abby! You brought a huge toothy grin to my face today! For you I will go in the backyard a dig a new hole, in the name of Abby!

Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that our friends Faya and Willow have been nominated over at the Bone Zone! Faya is up for the Awesome Blog of the Month Award and Willow is up for the Best Picture of the Month Award!! Go get your vote on my friends!!

And lastly, lastly...please don't forget to vote for the best pictures of the International Goodie Exchange at Chef's photo album! If you need your post posted on the photo album, just let me know and I'll get my human on it PRONTO!!!
Hope all is good in your neighborhoods! Remember to keep a watch out for any and everything that may step foot in your yards!!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley


i said...

It's so sweet of you to help your human to lose a bit of weight hehe...You should be our regular Mr.Fitness trainer!

Congrats on your award!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. that's a nice idea to help your hoomans lose weight

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

Nice job on digging up the sprinkler hose, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! I'm sure your mom and the boy hooman are thanking you over and over for providing them with additional exercise!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

It looks like you are feeling better now...

Nice job with the pipe digging...I love how you rolled in your work, too...Very nice...

I'm soooo honored that there will be a hole in your yard dedicated to me...Thank You!!!

Have fun digging...

Abby xxxooo

Fenway said...

Hey T-B

You are officially hired as my personal advisor/assistant. I was impressed with your observation on the Black Dog Catering and admire your laid back attitude....but you are still totally focused on what's important in life: FOOD & PLAY

Nice work on that hose. You are THE dog I want around if there are any snakes!

Deetz said...

Hi Bease....You look like you are feeling alot better. I am on Prison Guard Duty and I also found big sticks to play with this weekend. I was wishing you were here all weekend to play with me. I got a pool too from my neighbor Sara.

Asta said...

Mr.T-bone Beasley(sheesh ,I love youw name!!!)
That was a pawsome job of digging you must have been like a giant licowice stick ow something..congwatulations on youw awawd!!
smoochie kisses
pee ess..I don't have time to be a twavel agent ow event plannew, cause I have to go visit my fwiends all the time, hehe
smooochie kisses

George the Pup said...

Oooh Oooh - RDP (recreational digging party)! I love those, but I usually get in trouble, not a lot of laughing :-) Those sprinkler things look like fun, I'll have to check and see if I can find any of those.

Congratulations on your awards!

Rambo said...

Hi T-B,
looks like you are no longer pooped out! Having fun with those hoses, eh? Good way to make the humans shed a few.

Faya said...

You are soooooo good with your humans Beasley ! It is fantastic ! I hope your Mom gave you some nice treats for your good job ! Congratulations for your award !
Thank you for the vote....
Kisses, Faya

Princess Patches said...

We have that same problem, Bease! Our sprinkler hoses keep coming up out of the ground and the drippers keep disappearing. Strange co-ink-ee-dink! We can't figure out how it happens! In fact, Mom just went out to get the mail and came in to tell Dad that there was a gusher in the side yard. He's out there now trying to figure out what happened. We're SURE it had nothing to do with 3 furry snooters! Heeheehee!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Amber-Mae said...

Good job in helping your hoomans lose wright! I think my Mommy needs some help in losing some. No, not some, a LOT!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Eric said...

Ha ha, that made me chortle Mr Bean Head!! What a good job you did in giving your hooman some work to do. Hope they appreciate the trouble their Fuzz Bucket of Love went through to do that for them? And not once but twice.Probably didn't so I'll say it for them, I think you are very thoughful Big Bear.

Woohoo congatulations on the award too!! Wagging for you. Eric x

Gaia the Airedale said...

Good job on the award and digging up the sprinkler! Hehe that sounds like so much fun T! Youre lucky your momma didnt get mad! hehe

puppy breath,

Clover said...

Haha Bease, so funny that you pulled all that hose out! What a fun game! (For you and your human afterwards!)
Hope your butt is feeling all better!
Love Clover xo

Georgeous said...

Wow, you've got job as a personal trainer, whats the pay like?
Love 'n' Snuffs

Sami & Baylee said...

I sure could use you here Mr. T-Bone Beasley. My mommy is getting has been hitting thta treadmill pretty hard but I think she would much rather be outside digging. What a great ideal you had!

Your sure one smart dude!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T!
I like your idea about helping your human to lose weight. My mom needs help too but I don't have a yard to dig a hole! any other ideas would be appreciated!
Kisses and hugs

Niamh said...

Excellent excavation Mr. T-Bone Beasley!! That is a terrier specialty. I am sure that your family is grateful to you for helping them get their exercise.

Your friend,

Thor and Jack said...

Good job helping your hooman to lose weight!
Congrats on your award!


Chef said...

Good work digging up the hose, Bease. At first I thought it was a stick and I almost had a heart attack. I'm glad to see your poop issues have been solved. Hey, I didn't know you had a boy human.
Congratualtions on your award - you really have earned it.

About the weekend... check out my blog ... and that's just the half of it.

Heh heh.

Love ya.

Deetz said...

Beasley....Its insane we cannot live closer. We would have the greatest adventures...Mum is sooo happy gas prices are going down....she thought the same thing too!!! She has lots of vacation built up and mentioned she needs a break....
I thought I was in trouble being left in that cage all day..but mum loved all over me last night with lots of kisses and stuff...but I was traumatized for awhile...long enough anyway to maybe do damage and have to have therapy. I can't wait to hear how you train your human...she could use some obedience

Agatha and Archie said...

That was a great find!! and a terrific hole!!! You are soooo talented!! Love and kisesA+A

Unknown said...

Excellent EXCAVATION work! You are the best!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Nice work on the hose :)


Deetz said...

You crack me up T-bone......snickle snickle...
Mum bought a pair of shoes not long ago and I had to check them out to see if they would stand up to her weight and all....and the heel just came right off, with just a tiny chew....I saved her life!!!

B said...

Great of you to help your mom out like that, sometimes humans need a bit of encouragement!


Unknown said...

Aw, Bease, I've missed checking up on you! Good thing I am moved now so I can read your blog again. You've gotten so big, you look awesome! And that is some major-league hose-diggon' action there. Hope your...well, your...OK, you POOP prob is better now!

Dexter said...

You are so thoughtful to inspire your mom to get a little exercise. I hope she appreciates you.
