Sunday, July 6, 2008

Collar Clarification!!!

Now, I understand there can be some confusion on what a collar is. So, let me clear this up once and for all!

These are collars...

Some, you may see are a little too small for my now 64.2 pound self. The top one is the very first collar I ever had! This is the collar I first came to my human in. Now, I don't think I could even get it to wrap around my nose. I hear we are sending some of these over to New Mexico to Apache's Tribe! Orrrr, we are donating them to others who have smaller necks than mine. Sadly, I didn't even get to wear some of them for I am Mr. T-Bone Beasley the Overnight Grower!!! Ahem...okay so moving on...
Now, this is not a collar...

That thing is called an E-Collar, or an Elizabethan Collar, or as I prefer...The Cone From Hell. My thoughts bounce around in that cone, so does my slobber, water, and food.

It is so difficult to play with toys, but I make it work!

Mostly, it's a lot easier to just sleep through having to deal with the Cone From Hell.

At first my human didn't make me wear it 'cause I was really good about not licking the stitches from the New-Turd and my scrotal ablation. Ugh...but now I feel the need to clean my wound and the human won't let me! She denies access to my once marbled area by velcro-ing that "collar" around my head!

Every now and then she takes it off when I snuggle her on the bed or couch. It's like bribery. She says it's because she can watch me to make sure I don't lick myself, but I think it's because I make her feel bad.

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out and reminding you all to lick yourself whenever you please! Just watch out for the Cone From Hell!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Eric said...

Oh Bease, that's sad and bad news. Having to wear the cursed cone.I had one too when I had my marbles removed. I discovered one very good use for it - it's pawfect for poking kittie cat!! Difficult for kittie to whack you back on the nose with the cone on too..hehehe!!!! Try it, it's pawsome, hours of fun.

Wagging, Eric x

Wiry wags, Eric x

Unknown said...

Ah man, that cone looks like no fun at all! But you do kinda look like a shark in an aquarium when you get the starfish stuffie in there with you. Hope you spring free in no time!

Your pal,


the many Bs said...

poooor Mr. T-Bone, you're right, it's NOT a collar. you look so cute with your star fish in there, but it's a big bummer. by the way, you do have some nice looking collars there. that tiny one is cute - did that really fit around your dale neck? hee hee

sorry about the cone head. maybe you can give your human some sad sad eyes and get it off.


Joe Stains said...

You look pretty bummed out in that collar, sheesh. I am glad I am over all that stuff!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T!
Your have lots of collars! Good for you donating some of them to those who could need them!
The E-collar is not fun! I know it!
I hope you don't have to wear it for 2 months like I had.
Kisses and hugs

Toffee said...

Is that starfish trying to eat you??

Hey how many channels do you pick up with that thing?? tee hee just kidding...hey at least they didn't have to go into your abdomen and displace your digestive tract in order to remove your "parts" like they did with me!

I hope that you are cone-less soon!

Kess And Her Mama said...

It's a nightmare alright. It still sends shivers down my spine when I see it. Brings back memories of the time I had to put up with it.

Deefor said...

The cone of shame! I never had to wear one cause my humans thought licking was making it better. Maybe you can outgrow it in a few days. Eat hearty.


Lizzy said...


I completely agree, you should find a way to send me some waffles, hee hee.

I hope you had a GRRRReat weekend!


i said...

You don't look too happy there! Hope that collar will be off soon. Oh boy, you do have a lot of collars, don't you?

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You are a cute conehead. But I'll bet you'll be glad when you don't have to wear it anymore.

I can't believe how many collars you have! I'm sentimental, too, and have the first collars for Cooper, Jason and Levi.

the mom

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. that's kinda cool that you can play with your collar on. I hope you dont need to wear it for too long..

~ Girl girl

Faya said...

ohhhh noooo..... I hope you won't have to wear this "false collar" for too long....I cannot see your nose !!!!!! grrrrrrrr...... I want your nose back !!!!!
Kisses, Faya

Dandy Duke said...

You look so sad with that stoopid collar on, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! We hope you heal fast so the darn thing can stay off forever!
Wow! You've sure got lots of collars for such a youngster!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...


That is a lampshade!!! it should be hanging from the ceiling not from your neck!
You poor chap we hope it gets taken off you very very soon.

Moly and Taffy

Deetz said...

I am back! You got drugged again and now have to wear a cone??? Next time your mum says your getting something, I would run! Atleast you got new toys and softer beds...that was love for sure. I let my mum trim my ears, while I was napping, and it looks kinda cool. I may let her give me a bath and trim me up some more. It is so hot here. My neighbors are giving me a pool too.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a collection of collars u had there...

as for me, i have limited becoz only when one got missing, then i will get to buy another one

btw...hope u can get rid of that stupid cone soon

Deetz said...

I love that first picture of you!!! I almost forgot to tell you...the rap you gave me for my birthday was the bestest ever!!! I was gigglin the whole time. I posted the pics of my ear trimming...I should let my mum cut more hair.

Faya said...

Thank you Beasley for the nomination but I don't know if I am allowed because I am not a member of the BoneZone....what do you think ? Ok, wait and see....
How do you feel today ? Better I hope ! Do you have still to wear this horrible "false collar" ?
Kisses, Faya

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, you have sooo many collars! Too bad you didn't get to wear some of them. But you can just keep them as souvenirs! That's a cursed cone you're wearing. Hopefully it'll be taken off for good very soon...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

Oh...You poor guy...That cone is horrible...

When I had my girl surgery they put one of them on me & I wouldn't move...I stood in the kitchen til my legs gave out & then just sat in one spot til I started falling asleep sitting up...

My Mom finally took it off cuz I hated it sooo much...

Do you keep running into things & stuff??? I hope they take it off soon for you...

Abby xxxooo

Willow the Black Dale said...

I totally understand the whole collar issue. Mom got me some and well you know....I never even got to wear them either. Then there is Pilar....she is a little on the chubby side so she can't wear them either. So off they go to Apache's tribe!
Those E-Collar's are bad news. Keep sucking to your mom and making her feel guilty and you will get that off in no time. OR chew it up when she is not looking!!


Eric said...

Good evening Mr T. Bone Beasley Holstein. How Royal. Nearly as royal as me. (I don't have my crown on today I only wear it when I go to my royal Park)

Now here we have a beer over here called Holstein (do you have it too?) Is your name really Mr. T.Bone Beasley Mine's a Pint? Hahahaha!!.

You feline better today Bease?

Wags, Eric

Rambo said...

Hey T,
when I got my New Turd, I didn't get one of those Cones from Hell. Maybe my head is too small! Anyway, if you eat alot, maybe you will get fat and it won't fit you. up my friend.

Gaia the Airedale said...

That E-collar looks like a pain! I mean, you make it look good T, but it would scare the crap outta me if my mom came at me with it! It looks like you are managing with your new toys, thats good! By the way, mom wrote you about the treats but she said she never got a reply, so hurry up and get on that silly!! hehe

puppy breath,

Winnie Woo said...

Wow, someone with more collars than me! I play bow to your superior regal wear. At least your elizabethan is clear, my cone was white and I ran into doorways all over town.
Winnie Woo

Georgeous said...

Oh dear PoOr you! I'm not really sure what the new turd is but I'm sure I know about the stitches in the scrotum. Fortunately i didn't lick mine.
Mummy say's why don't you keep your first collar and wear it as an ankle jewellry type thingy (stoopid wooman, she doesn't realise it will catch on the bushes when chasing wild things)
Love 'n' Snuffs

Deetz said...

Oh Beasley
I am sometimes confused about this bridge thingy. Seems like a happy place for us to go, but it makes the humans cry lots and lots and then the ones left behind have to lick up all the tears.
I bet your god human is so extremely sad now and needs lots of tender care and your goofy looks too...She may not laugh at first, but it will make her feel better inside. My mum eyes are welling up with tears now. Please let me know about Scooter.
I am so glad you are my bestest friend

Stanley said...


Was it the cone that woke you up or all those HBO words coming out of the TV?

You actually look pretty good in that thing, but I agree... it's straight from hell, man.

Sorry you lost your balls and that I wasn't around to empathize with you. Since I've lost mine I've never given up or abandoned another one of my balls... EVER! At least you got a new turd. How's that working out for ya?

Goober love & healing goob smooches,

Anonymous said...

Oh dog, Beasly! I don't like the looks of that thing! I hope you heal up fast so you don't have to wear it much longer!
