Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sweet, Succulent Pool...

Salutations my friends! So, this week in Arizona it has been at least 110 degrees. Needless to say, it's, oober hot! Being that I pant all the time, my human bought me this...

That's right! A pool! A whole entire pool to myself! At first I was a bit leery of it, being that the hose was filling it with water. You have to be careful! That hose will totally attack you at a moment's notice! Anyway, once I realized it was safe I took a drink of the hose water...

Then I got in! And OH MAN!!! It was so much fun! My favorite was digging in the sloshed everywhere...

and I got to snorkel...

and lounge in the pool...

When a breeze came by I got kinda cold. So, I rolled in the nice and warm dirt...oh, felt soooo good!

My human locked me outta the house because I was what she calls, "dirty." Pshhhh. While outside I made a polite bark to alert her that I was ready to come inside. After I realized that I was being ignored I made a very sassy bark and shook my head from side to side...

I just had so much fun! The best was snorkeling, and getting my face all wet and dripping! Woohoo!

After the water was emptied from my pool I decided it was time for a nap...and to send some intense ESP to all of my friends. Have you all felt it yet?

This is the very wet and tired Mr. T-Bone Beasley, signing out and reminding you all to stay cool in heat and drink lots of water!!! Unless of course your are Noah and sisters!!! You guys keep warm!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

Wow a pool of your own...Very cool!!!

We have a BIG pool in the yard that I would have to climb a ladder to get in, but it's looks kind of scary...

I'm gonna ask my Mom to get me one...If I look cute enough, maybe she will...

Did you have to get a bath to get the dirt off before you could come in the house??

Abby xxxooo

The Black and Tans. said...

Mr T

That is marvellous your very own pool. You certainly are having some hot weather and Summer has only just begun!!

Keep cool

Molly and Taffy

Dexter said...

Nice job with the pool follwed by a dirt bath. Can't imagine why you were locked out of the house.


Deetz said...

Beasley you are hillarious!!! That pool looked magnificant...Another big word I learned...
I hope my mum gets me a pool...actually we have gotten so much rain my whole yard is a pool....thanks for the forcefield last night, it was a close one

Lacy said...

w00f's Mr T, wow a pool all by urself, how cool iz been beggin mama and daddy fur one, mayb me will git it b4 the end of summer...haff fun and stay cool..

b safe,

The 3 G-Dales said...

Hi Mr. T- Bone Beasley ~

We have been the absent Griffindales...we are sorry. But see we have this new family member...her name is Lola Dale...she's our new sissy and we are wel,, getting used to her. WE were very upset at first cuz Mumsie only paid attention to her and not us...but we get it....SHE"S A NOISY MAKER that girl. Boy, we were not ready for all things that come wiff a sissy dale. Thak goodness we have our friends to help us feel loved!

Yeah, so she plays bitey face, and that's cool, but we can't bitey face back yet---unless Mumsie isn't looking...then we can GET HER!

We must say, you are looking pretty grown up these you're getting "big guy" look about you. It happens...but it's cool. Now you are gonna be like "Mr. Big" instead of just "Mr. Cute n Fuzzy" It's good dude.

Anyhow, we love ya, we're around, just got some distractions going on wiff sissy at home.

Peace and pawesome aire snaps...Check out the fluff ball on our bloggie..Mumsie has gone mental with the camera....geez, she never took that many pictures of us, did she Roy? Yeah, I guess not.....well,

The 3 G-Dales barking out....

Dandy Duke said...

You're so lucky you have your own pool! We were at the hardware store with mom and dad yesterday and we spied a brand new pool but dad didn't buy it for us *sniff sniff* Can we come and play in yours with you, Mr. T-Bone Beaseley?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

Oh....a pool...I am happy for you that you can cool yourself but don't ask me to come in water....beurk....
I still cannot believe how handsome you are ....
Kisses, Faya

Princess Patches said...

Woohoo! Your very own exciting! You might want to try going into the house WITHOUT the dirt bath next time. You might get inside quicker! I'm just sayin'...

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Willow the Black Dale said...

POOL!!!! Oh so cool Bease. I gotta get me one of those!

I loved the lounging in the pool, the digging the water oh ok I just loved all of it!!

Your hooman ROCKS! Can I come live at your house??? You have more fun that's for sure!!!!

Aire hugs,

Deetz said...

Your pool sure did get dirty fast...hehe
Keep some forcefield powers for yourself and maybe stick an air conditioner in it to keep all the heat away
Guess What?
Its Friday......I am so very sad. My mum is jumping with joy, but I will miss my buddy for two whole forever days

Niamh said...

Cool pool Mr. T-Bone. You are an excellent snorkeler and you sure got the pool (and yourself) all nice and dirty. Looks like great fun. I love a good swim myself.

Your friend,

Asta said...

MrT Bone Beasley
It's wondewful to see you having fun in that pool..You'we
a gweat snowkelew..
Youw special ESP wowks wondews..Daddi is fine, auntie Kawen 's heawt is healing slowly, and Mommi is OK

you'we a wondewful fwiend
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Oh yeah, pool is very FUN! Looks like you had a really fun time playing with the water. Yo8 should get a bigger pool like ours. It can fit at least two Saints. It's not very deep but if you lay down in it, you'll drown. Oh yeah bebe!

By the way, about the "rollover" trick, it's not that hard to learn. First your mom needs to get you to lay down on your side. Which either side you're more comfortable & she needs to reward & praise you all the time just for laying on your side. Do this about 5 repetitions & take a break. Next, she's gotta make you lay on your back. Don't do any rollover yet. Just lay on your back for 1 second & then praise & reward, Do it for a few times & take a break. This exercise helps to build your confidence. Many dogs like my sista Faith, does not like to be forced into that position. She struggles like mad & kicks around violently to get up. So that's why, she's the only one who can't do "rollover" & many more tricks besides us two. She's not a confident dog at all. She's even scared to sit close in front of my hoomans coz I think she thinks that they might just collaps on her or soemthing like that. Anyway, your mom needs to praise you alot with a high pitvh tone in her voice. "Good boy! Good rollover!" Pop a treat in your mouth. Later one, maybe a day or two once you're confident enuf, lay on your back & then your mom needs to grab hold on your front leg push you to the other side fast but gently. It's important that she doesn't hurt you or twist your leg. You may struggle a bit but you'll get the hang of it soon. If you do it wrongly, tell your mom not to get angry or upset about it. It's important that she's patient coz if she's not, you'll never get it & will only get scared about it when next time she asks you to do it. Anyway, do that a few times & take a break. You'll need to do this everyday to get it & your mom will need to keep on pushing you for many more times. It may take a few, a week or maybe a few weeks before you'll master this trick. So take it slow & easy aight? Hope this helps. Any more questions, just ask me. or your other friends.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Bease,
It took a while, on account of us living so far away but the ESP eventually got here..thanks matie.
The pool is such a brillo idea. The photos and video are great, you look like your really enjoying the cool water. Love the aftermath of the water/dirt combo hee hee.
It was only 10 degrees Celsius (50 F) today but really sunny. The pawfect day.

Stay cool matie.

Noah Willow Tess and Lucy xxxx

Unknown said...

hy t-bone...
wow.. you have a pool... is so funny..

Gaia the Airedale said...

Wow T! You got your own pool?! Youre the luckiest dog, I wish I had my own pool. Though, for some stupid reason it hasnt been that hot here recently. They say its gonna warm up soon but you never know. Anywho yes! Im a getting big and momma has finally had to adjust my purple collar hehe. I might need a new one soon actually...take care!

puppy breath,

the many Bs said...

hi T-Bone, you certainly know how to enjoy that pool. it looked like a lot of fun and very refreshing. you even doubled your fun by lying in the dirt when you were wet. we don't understand all all why humans don't want us in the house after all of that kind of fun. they are so weird about dirt and water. we're glad to see that you are staying cool!


Chef said...

Bease! Your very own pool and all that dirt!! You are one lucky dude. We have pretty hot weather too so I get misted a lot when I'm outside all over my body and sometimes right into my mouth. But I think I'd rather have a pool to wet my big hooves in. Have fun!


Sami & Baylee said...

Looks like you had a blast in your pool. You got a pool all to yourself, how wonderful! I have to share mine with Baylee and my hooman sister Allie.


Willow the Black Dale said...

Bease we have to know......did your momma make you take a stinky bath today? She usually makes you have one when you are muddy. Personally we think you look pawsome in mud!!!

Willow and Pilar

Eric said...

Your own pool? Cool!!Your 2leggededs are the best. I loved the video of you doing the doggie paddle. And as for you snorkelling technique - wow! Rolling in the dirt straight after was the best bit though. I'll remember that one though I doubt it will get hot enough here for me to have my own pool.

Stay cool. Wagging, Eric x

Eric said...

Hi Beasley. I'm just woofing over to tell you, Isaw your remarks on Agatha and Archies block and of course I can send you a fridge full of ice cream!! I'm sending Momi out tomorrow to make sure she gets you all the bestest most dogalicious flavours ... watch this space....

Wiry wags pal. Eric x

Deefor said...

Why didn't they let you in? That was mean. I like to roll in the sand when I'm wet too. A little mud bath. Enjoy your pool this summer.


Myeo said...

That is so cool!!! We will never have that kind of pool cos we live in apartment and we donthave that kind of space.

Boy n Baby

andrahyb said...


Thats a paw-some pawsonal pool you've got. Now how are you going to share with your friends? Hmm....

Let's hope the bad weather would be gone soon!

Rudolf & Goofy

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That looks pawsome. I want my own pool too

~ Girl girl

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow T-Bone ya got a pool,just like ours...we love ours 'n we know you'll love yours too...especially on those 110 degree days...please don't send any of those 'round here...Gram would have a heart attack fer sure.....ya know if ya lay in the pool after ya roll in the dirt..ya can get the dirt off ya without a bath...remember that fer next time........
Dewey Dewster here.....

Deetz said...

Are you still enjoying your pool? Mum was going to get me one this weekend, but the only ones they had were not very big and looked more like big water bowls. I did get a coca cola icy though and it was delicious.

George the Pup said...

Hi T-Bone,
Thanks for visiting my bloggie the other day! It's nice to meet you!

That pool looks pawesome - maybe I can get my Mommy to buy me one for the hot summer days!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

If I was a dog I would like to snorkle too, but I am a cat and don't like to get my furs wet. Looks like you had a great time!

Thor and Jack said...

So cool you have your own pool! Looks like so much fun!
