Monday, June 9, 2008

Open Sesame!

It happened...the single most glorious thing of the day. The arrival of my package from Chef!!! Oh my crap! I was so excited! When I first got it, well it was wrapped in paper...

After my human removed the paper with lots of stickers, I proceeded to take the corner approach....

When that didn't work, I rested, then tried again...

Once I realized that my jaws of steel wern't going to get the box open I simply took a deep breath, licked my nose and told the box, "Open Sesame!"...

Then TADA!!!! It was open! Look at the yellow paper! How did Chef know that I LOVE paper! The sounds...the ripping...the shredding!!! Ohhhhhh my fur is tingling...

Then, Oh, Wait! There was more! Clearly, I had to investigate...

I didn't even know where to start. So I pulled out the mail man first! I chewed on his head for a little bit, but quickly realized that he doesn't say "ouch" nearly as much as my human.

So, I gave him a break (I'm sure he was exhausted and traumatized by the shipping process from Canada to Arizona) and posed with him instead.

You guys can't believe all the goodies I got! I'm was confused as to what I opened next! It was a blur of excitement through the whole process of package opening! Oh man, Chef!!! You and your human picked out some great stuff! Okay, what was next? OOOOOooooo, the cookies...

At first, my human made me high five her for the treat...but later she handed some out freely and I didn't have to do anything for them! Every now and then I would find one hidden in my dog food! It was the best suprise!

I also got this red ball that giggles I even laughed when it moved around! In order to get to the ball I had to unwrap it first...

Then, I found this squeeking green bone. My God Human stepped on it and nearly sent my human through the roof! It has awesomely massive squeeking powers! Of course, I heard the squeek cry for help all the way from outside. So, I flew, yes FLEW through the dog door and rescued the bone and carried it to safety. Silly humans don't know how to properly play with squeeky toys.

Then, I got a flimsy blue rubbery frisbee like toy with a squeeky ball in the middle! While my human was trying to relax I squeeked it over and over and over again! Once she thought I was done, I gave it a few more chomps and made it squeek really good! I think my humans eyeball was twitching by the time I was done playing with that toy!

To my suprise, I still had more toys to play with! Can you believe that! More toys! And they are mine, ALL MINE! So the next toy to investigate was the yellow squeeky ball...

I even carried it around the house, squeeking it. This way, everyone knew exactly where my ball and I were. It's always good to make your presence known...

My human even got a present...

I thought it was suppose to clean the mud off my paws, not the black off my nose! What the heck!!!

And lastly, I got a bandana! As you all know, I prefer to wear my bandanas on my head. Errr, my human likes them on my head. I prefer to snuggle with them..

I totally made out like a bandit! Chef did an awesome job directing his human to Beasley approved toys! I was so excited about all my new toys that I forgot about the mail man! He looked a little sad on the floor by himself, so I introduced him to the bed...where he resided for the rest of the afternoon for a Bease sized nap...

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley reminding everyone to take a little time out for yourselves to enjoy the good things in life!!!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Dandy Duke said...

Wow! Chef outdid himself! Awesome toys, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! We have a mailman just like yours and he's lasted for a very long time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

Nice haul that's for sure!!! I hope Bussie get's my prezzy soon!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Gaia the Airedale said...

Holy crap T! You got a shiz load of pawesome stuff!! Not that my stuff wasnt great but jeeze hehe. Great bandana too! Glad you enjoyed everything, after all it was your and Chefs brilliant minds who came up with the idea!

Chef said...

Beasley! You look so cute squeaking the frisby and ball! I'm glad my Mama kept to my shopping list when she got you that stuff. The best is the laughing ball... you have no idea how much strength it took for me to relinquish it to you. I so wanted it for myself. Is my spit still on it?? Enjoy your goodies, Bease. I'll let you know as soon as my package gets here and you can be sure I'll be doing pawstands.


Sami & Baylee said...

Wow Mr. T-Bone Beasley you got a ton of wonderful toys and treats too. Yummy! So many squeakys to play with. That sure was nice of your human to put surprise treats in your food!


WinstonBerry said...

Wow, Beasley! What a haul!! That's a pawsome package!! Whoooo-Hooo! The squeaky toys are the best ones!!!

Winnie :-)

Amber-Mae said...

Woah, those are alot of great goodies!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw.. what pawsome gifts.... And you're so clever to know open sesame to open the box

~ Girl girl

Deefor said...

You look like you really enjoy your squeakers and treats. Chef sent you some great stuff. I have new toys all over the place and I love it.


Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Bease,
Looks like your having fun with the goodies Chef sent you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Princess Patches said...

Chef did a pawsome job of shopping for you! The squeakies are always the best! We have already squeaked our fleece crab so much that he won't squeak anymore! Have fun little buddy!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

The Black and Tans. said...

Mr T

That was a super duper package you received.

We have received our package from Ben the Rotti and posted about it...BUT...we still have not managed to send our parcel to Candi. We are really upset, we have sent her emails and have no replies!!!!!!!!! We are in a right old state about it. We don't want her to miss out!!! We sure hope she is around soon

Molly and Taffy

Abby said...

Hi, T-Bone...

What great stuff...

I LOVE your Frisbee...I never saw one that squeaks...& that ball is GREAT...Very annoying to the humans, I bet...

Have fun..

Abby xxxooo

Faya said...

What a great package ! I like to watch your video....again and again...ahhh Mr. T-Bone....
Kisses, Faya

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT A HAUL!!!!! PL2 says the picture of you with your head bad made her want to crawl throught the computer and give you a kiss!! MUAH!! Love A+A

Agatha and Archie said...

NOT HEAD BAD HEAD BAND!! Geesh this is what happens when you let Archie type! A+A

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Tbone...that box was ginormous!!! I could have fit my entire petite Lakie self in there....

And the toys...oh my...they are astoundin'...that mailman....oh slurp!!!!

Squeakie toys can put hoomans over the edge, or make em seize...Scruffy like to repeated squeak squeaky balls...over and over and over...Mumsie looks like it's fingernails on chalkboards after the 57th time...

Barkin' at ya T!!!!!


Dexter said...

Great haul, Mr. T.
Good thing you got the box to open because I think if your mouth opened any wider your jaw would explode or something.

Good squeek technique!


Deetz said...

T-Bone....When you come to KS to visit someday or I come to AZ, will you share the frisbee squeeky and the ball that screams....It was glorious!!! I was so excited to see all the great stuff you got and told my mum that I have to come and play with you and check out your new toys.....
Mum is fricken busy this morning, but I hurried up and typed this and will hollar later on in the day.....How awesome all the new toys

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Hi Mr. T-Bone....this is Other mommy Sherry here. Look how darling you are!!! I so wanted to see you this coming week. Sorry that I got so sick and had to cancel my trip. I'll make it up to you. Love you babe...

P.S. Have your mommy call me. We need to find out who we have to buy for!!??

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow T-Bone ya sure got alot of super stuff from Chef....isn't this so excitin' ya can hardly contain yerself? You 'n Chef really had a pawsome idea in the International Goody Exchange...thanks ta both of ya cause every blog we visit shows everyone havin' a special time with their goodies. I must say that Dales seem ta be a bit calmer than us wire foxies...yer a bit more gentle with yer toys than we are...that ball ya was skeakin' woulda been history here in 2 minutes flat.

Thanks again fer havin ' such a great idea...

Dewey Dewster here....

Asta said...

MrT BoneBeasley
What a magnificent box of goodies...chef has amazingly good taste in toys and tweats..I loved seeing you enjoying them all...I love thae banananda on youw head,hehehe,
smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You really got some wonderful things in the mail. We are really enjoying seeing what everyone got.. Thanks again for helping organize this..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Kirby said...

You totally socred with your package from Chef! I love that mailman and as always, no one wears a bandana like you Mr. T-Bone Beasley! Enjoy all the hours you will have fun playing with all of those goodies!

Your pal,

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Wow, you really did make out like a bandit! You look cute in that bandanna. No wonder your human likes you to wear them. Chef did himself proud with all he picked out.

To your mom: Thanks for the offer on the bells. I keep waffling back and forth about whether or not it's a good idea or necessary. The trainer at puppy socialization class is strongly discouraging the idea and Levi is starting to let me know in subtle ways when he wants out. So I sort of dropped the idea for now. (He goes to the windows, of all things. Does the same thing when he wants to come inside, goes to the kitchen window instead of the door. LOL ) Anyway, that is very sweet of you to offer your bells. If we don't start connecting better in a few weeks, I may take you up on it.

Levi's mom

Eric said...

OOh Mr T how pawsome are all those squeekies? And the mail man , he he, are you give him a little nip every now and then just to remind him who's top dog? Chef and his Momi sure know how to shop- you deserve it all. What a great idea all yours and Chef's. High fives Beaseley.

Wags, Eric x

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wait a minute! You got two packages??