Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's Play Time!

Hello All! It is I...Mr. T-Bone Beasley! The Griffindales said they wanted to see me in my new "Woof" collar! So here it is guys! I wore it to the dog park and got lots of comments! Woohoo!

I asked Satan what she thought about my new collar and she seemed to approve! She mentioned something else about taking my new collared self else where so she could run away in peace. I think she was just kidding because she loves to play chase!

This was the scene at the dog park today! I was bombarded by some of the other four legged humans and it was AWESOME! They are even more curious than me! Someone got a little to close to my butt and was sniffing a little too intensely, so I had to leave them and find a ball to play with!
At my park there are tennis balls everywhere! So as a human threw a ball for their four legged human, I thought I would be the one to retrieve it first! I feel like the bright shining water is reflecting my heavenly presence, and the ear in the wind is for my aire-o-dynamics!

I played some bitey face in the water with a 6 month old German Sheppard. She was way cool, but her owner was not. He yelled at some other humans because their four legged human tried to play with his four legged human. Uhhhh isn't that what we do? So we played in secret, my human had my back if he started to act stoopid.

This is one of my new friends. She is 6 months old. I was too busy playing to get her name...but who cares I had a playing friend! I was a little shy at first, I couldn't tell if I was having a good time or not...

When it was time to go, I was way excited to get in the car and take a short little nap!

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out reminding everyone to live each day to the fullest, even if that means playing bitey face and chasing someone or something that others may not want you to go after! Woohoo for being happy!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Dandy Duke said...

We love that new collar, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! It looks smashing on you!
How neat that you met a new friend your own age to play with!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

My girl is trying, right now, to reach through the pooter and smooch you on your big punkin head. She loves that last photo of you, especially, Bease!

You gave it as good as you got it at the 4-legged park. Looks to me like you're learning what it means to live like a dog with other dogs. Nice wrasslin' moves, by the way.

Love the new collar. Are you going to be changing yours out EVERY day?

Goober love & smooches,

Anonymous said...

Hi T-Bone.... Mommy Greta here. Lordy, you have more collars than some women have shoes! You're looking great.... wish we had a dog park here .... though, I must say that our backyard is a lot of fun too!

Airehugs to you dear,
Mommy Greta

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. T-Bone Beasley:

This is the Buckster. We haven't officially met, but I'm a long lost cousin of yours; a couple times removed!

Love your blog! Not sure why you are posting at 1 in the morning, but I'm sure you've got your reasons.

Gotta go, but I will be reading your blog and throwing in my 2 cents from time to time!

Later big boy!

The Buckster

The Black and Tans. said...

Your new collar looks extremely good on you Mr T, you are a lucky pup.

Great you had such a good time at the dog park and made new friends.

Molly and Taffy

Faya said...

Hello !....I have a question : do you have already a favourite color ?... please give me an answer on my blog .... Kisses, Faya
PS : aren't those collars the bests ????? Yeah !

Princess Patches said...

You look very handsome in your new collar, Mr. T-Bone Beasley! That's very nice that you found a friend to play bitey-face with!

Poppy & Penny

Deetz said...

I measurued my neck last was very difficult and took along time, but I did it all by was 17 inches...I hope that helps...Wow, I just love that doggie park and would run through the water with you if I was in AZ....So humans are mean, so stay away from them and I bet your mummy would have wooped him if he would have yelled at her or you.

Deetz said...

I think the skulls are the coolest cuz then any intruders in the yard would see them and run for sure...I like all kinds of colors! My daddy usually makes us dogs collars out of leather but he hasn't made me one yet.
Gizmo is doing okay. He is starting to have some bad days again, so we will see. I will post a pic of him later and you can tell he is slowly leaving us. But that is okay. He will be in a better place for sure. Sometimes mummy wishes he would just go, but then she is glad he is here. I luv him lots.

Harry said...

Your new collar looks very stylish!

Cassidy and I love German Shepherd's. We regularly meet a group of 6 or 7 on our walkies, must try and get some photos.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Deetz said...

Mum says when the gas prices come down to around $3.00 a gallon, she will drive me to AZ for the day and we can play in that water at the dog park and get ice cream and more toys and stuff. My mum says she has family in Flagstaff AZ, but she never talks to them.
I go to rodeos in the summer and its lots of fun, cuz kids come up and love on you and they always have something to eat in their little hands and its free for the taking...some cry, but they get over it.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Woof! [That's little Levi saying that the park looks like lots of fun.]

Levi's mom

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T!
You look very handsome with your new collar!
Sniffing butts? I don't like that either!
I loved your video! Sure you had fun with your friend there!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Beas, that's good playing going on there. Your new matie looks like fun.
Thanks for the comment about my fur. It's like lambs wool and really thick. I get a bit hot in summer that why we get trimmed so often.
Thanks for showing us the great video.

Hugs and tail wags

Dandy Duke said...

If I didn't have pumpkin wheels, I'd like to have tennis ball wheels! That would be cool too!


Deetz said...

You look so hansome in your collar T-Bone. You are growing so fast, it was just yesterday and you were itty bitty, like when I was itty bitty. They should have buses just for fur babies so we can all travel and see each other and play for the day. I gots lots of entries for the scary eye photo is so cool seeing all those scary eyes out there all over....
I am gonna be huge and furoscious when I get older! Right now I just act like I am when strangers come around, but actually I am kinda scared. You can tell by my bark, it starts out really deep and furoscious and then gets all high pitched like a girl dog.

Asta said...

Iam so happy that you had such a wondewful day at youw dogpawk..thewe is nothing as nice as playing wif fwiends..bitey face, and chase awe my favowites too..Isuwe would love to dwop by and play wif you
smoochie kisses

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

hi there wanted to say hi and say what a great blog you have lovely pics perhaps we could be friend pop over if you like to my blog

will come and see your blog again soon

Ludo the cool dude

The 3 G-Dales said...

Bease Babe -

Jack Jack here...

Nice Collar! Whooo-hooo! Thanks for sharing! We want to get all new collars with coolio stuff on them wike yours. Mumsie just got a new thingy for that Sissy Dale Lola who is coming....oh yeah, and Roy Boy recently got a collar cuz I ate the other leather one (err off of his neck...okay, so I Chewed a little enthusiastically....).

So, you say we should really shake the stuffie? Hmmm....usually I wike to give them a good know, get 'em all wet and slimy and get my aireness on them....but this shaking could be good too. I will have to study your technique me tinks....good to know.

And um, thanks for the treats in advance my fine airepal...we'll be right back at 'cha....this could be some sewious funs!

Pawslaps and lickey-licks Dude....

Cracker Jack

Miss Ellie and Baz said...

Woo hoo Mr T Bone Beasley - you sure know how to play. We wish we lived closer to you so we could all play together.
Our mum says you is gorgeous....

Miss Ellie and Baz