Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh To Sleep

Here I lie in my food dish. I so badly wanted more food that I felt it was best to take my food dish to a good resting area to dream up a good bowl of chow. It was sad though, 'cause when I woke up there was nothing! NOTHING! Well, okay so there was a little drool in the corner where my nose was, but that little puddle was not surrounded by my little round O's of chow goodness.
Now that I am feeling much better I am soaking in everything, every chance I get 'cause I want to grow and be a big dog with a big beard! I mean c'mon there are chicks out there with beards much bigger than mine. I'm pretty sure that each and every time I wake up from a good nap I grow at least a little bit more.

So what better to nap on than a new bed! Woohoo! Welcome to my new bed! Apparently, this is suppose to match the new brown leather couches we will be getting for the living room, but whatever, I got a new bed out of it! I haven't yet taken a Nylabone or Rawhide on it yet, it's still too new, I want to break this one in slowly!

So, here is yet another nice place to nap. This is my piece of tile just around the corner from the kitchen. This is where I rest IF my human chooses to cook something.

The nice thing about this particular spot is that it is cool. The Arizona heat is starting to roll in and the tile is one of the best spots to be. Beside that, I get to keep a look out for my human's food and my little O's of goodness.

Spot number three! On my bathing towels!!! My human dampens the towels for me because I like to lay on cools down my hot HOT furrrrocious fur. Sometimes you have to taste the towel though, just to make sure that no other four legged human was sniffing around on it. And if you sleep with the towel in your mouth, then no one will take it away when you're zonked out.

My hoof! I love my hoof! I love it so much, that I sleep with it too! This way I can savor the taste in my mouth and wake up with some awesome napping breath. One of the other human's in my office thought I was dead, my human had to inform them that I was intensely meditating so that I could send out some great ESP to Noah's Grandpinky!

Now, I understand that my napping styles aren't as nearly perfected as Mango's. I try to meditate the way that he does, but it seems to come so natural to him. I'm working on it Mango, I will make you proud!

Ahhh well, it's actually about that time to head out. I still have to catch up on some sleep, because we are moving tomorrow! Woohoo! It's gonna be a long weekend!

This is Mr. T-Bone Beasley, signing out and dreaming up my next Blog!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Deetz said...

You are just too cute T-Bone. Loved the pictures. It is awefully nice of your human to dampen those towels for you to lie on.... I have a bed, but all my toys are in it.

Bogart H. Devil said...

T-bone, each picture is cuter than the next. My mama always laughs because you look so much like I did as a little nipper. Keep up the good work pal!


Willow the Black Dale said...

Great sleeping choices! I commend you on sleeping with your hoof. At my house it is necessary that one does that!!
My kids think you are just great and can't believe how big you are! Give it time, your beard will be as big as daddy Pork Chops!
Have a happy moving day.
Sleeping away,

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Hi Mr. T-Bone Nappister!!!! Moving day!? Have you visited your new home yet? Do you have your new tiles picked out? I sure hope that your human sends me the new address and phone numbers....certainly don't want you to get away from us!!! Looking forward to the next blog on the new home. Mommy Greta sends her love to her baby boy!

Loving you,
The Diggers O' Dale from the Tenkiller Airedales

Dandy Duke said...

What a sweet picture of you asleep in your food dish, Mr. T-bone Beasley! I don't think we've ever done that!
Nice bed! We're sure you'll love it in no time at all! We love our beds!
We can't wait to see pictures of your new house! How exciting for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

You, my fine T-bone, are a champion napper. You are growing into a mighty fine Dale, and you crack me & my girl up in the process (thanks for the belly laughs, man)!

Hope your move is smooth and that you find even better napping spots in your new digs!

Goober love & smooches,

Noah the Airedale said...

T-Bone matie, thanks for the great vibes for my grandpinky. I think they're helping.
So you got a new bed too. You're looks more comfy than ours hee hee.
Tiles are great to sleep on when it's really hot. We go into the bathroom. Another good thing to do is to put ice cubes in your water bowl and eat frozen chicken legs.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mr. T-Bone!
Sure you are mastering many ways to sleep!
I am going to try the one with my face in the bowl, maybe some more kibbles will appear!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

How cute! I never did that when I was young...Nice bed too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Thor and Jack said...

Hi T-Bone,
Those pictures are great! You are so cute! You have good places to sleep! Your new bed look so comfy!


Faya said...

Hahahaha Mr. T-Bone.... you are so cute. At your age I didn't like to sleep in my bed...but also in the kitchen. Do you sleep also on the back ? I like this...
Kisses, Faya

Cassidy said...

Mummy says she remembers me being little and falling asleep anywhere and everywhere, normally with tongue hanging out, tee hee!

Hope the move goes well.

Cassidy x

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You've got some cool sleeping places. I hope you like your newest bed. I got one a few months ago but I didn't like it much because it was too soft. Cooper

Princess Patches said...

Hi T-Bone! Great pictures of all your napping spots! We like the one with your face in your bowl the best. That way you will be ready in case something eatable magically appears in there!

Poppy & Penny

Dexter said...

You are making great progress with your meditation skills (better than pee-wee). Try out as many locations as possible, some have the karma better than others.

Mango Man

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

T Bone...sounds like Mango has made a HUGE impression on you...!!! You sound like ur meditation powers are coming along nicely. And the wet towels is a nice touch!!! 22lbs...your're gonna be quite the Dale, when you grow up!!!!!!!

Barkin' at ya!!
