Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Been A Month!

We meet again, but this time from the floor! My nose was getting a little heavy so I will be dictating my words from here.

Today is a special day, well I mean, every day is special! But I feel that today should be named in honor of Mr. T-Bone Beasley! Let me start out by saying that it has been two whole days since I last peed on the floor! Woohoo for me! Now to the really good news! I am officially 11 weeks old today, and it has been a whole month that I have been living with my human. It's taken the whole time, but we are better bonded now. For example, last night I totally snuggled her butt. I wouldn't have done that 2 weeks ago! I now love her enough to keep her butt warm at night. It took a lot of heating energy and I didn't even get the best sleep, but I love her enough to make those kinds of sacrifices...however, let's make it perfectly clear that she owes me.

Also, I got some interesting news last night. Let me show you my surprised and shocked face! I was definitely caught off guard when I heard this...

What is it you ask! Well, I'm moving! Yea I know! It took me an entire month to break this place in, and now I'm moving! My human assured me that it's not going to be a huge move, we are just moving to something called Mesa. I guess Gilbert is where I have been living. It smells like cow butt out here, so my human also told me that it will be safer to waft the air out in Mesa.

Apparently this house has a huge back yard with a nice shady tree. My human and her friend are going to grow me some grass to sun bathe in. I dunno though, I'm a little concerned because this human that is going to be living with us is my God Human, and uhhhh well, she has cats. Yes, you heard me right...cats, the furry ones that make you sneeze. I haven't met them yet, and to be honest I'm a little worried. One cat's name is Scooter, and I hear that she likes to keep to herself, which could be problematic being that well, I like to play! ALOT! The other one is named Satan (she was adopted by another, very odd human, but my God Human kept the name). I'm kind of excited for Satan! She is white and fluffy, so I've been told...and I hear that she is quite boisterous which is exciting because I come with my own sound track! Many words will be exchanged between us, I'm sure.

In any event, I wasn't prepared for the news because I was just getting comfortable in our Gilbert home. However, a back yard and a doggy door of my own makes it an even exchange. More room in my kingdom will be nice as well! I will surely miss some of my many great four legged humans that I have met here, especially Apollo. I will have to get a picture with him and show you all. When I was a wee bit smaller I could walk right under him! He tolerated me well, but then he ate some of my treats...which reminds me, I need to talk to him about a reimbursement of some sort!

Okay well in honor of Mr. T-Bone Beasley Day, I thought I would show you all how much I have grown since I came to my new home! These were taken a month ago, and I hadn't started balding yet!

Alrighty all, this is Mr. T-Bone Beasley signing out, and reminding everyone to stop and smell the flowers (or eat them).


Mr. T-Bone Beasley


Deetz said...

Your own backyard and kitties to play with...It will be great for you. Your mum sounds cool. Congratulations on the pee thing!!! I have to go now, apparently I am getting grounded for a month for chewing up one of mums dress shoes, a pencil, and chip clip...

Dandy Duke said...

A new house and yard and kitties sounds like a big adventure to us! We can't wait to see pictures!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lizzy said...

Hi T-Bone, your blog is awesome! I love your pictures, you're quite handsome.


Joe Stains said...

moving to a house with a yard is pretty cool! Mom agrees that Gilbert is stinky, she lived out there when she first moved to AZ!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hey T, sounds like a good deal to me. :)


Harry said...

Your move sounds like a good one. So you are a flower eater too, hmm? Cassidy has eaten our entire garden! She's like a while plague of locusts rolled into a cute looking Airedale pup.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Princess Patches said...

Hi T-Bone! Our pawrents think you will like Mesa. They used to live there! It will be very nice for you to have a back yard to rip and tear in! Watch out for those c-a-t-s...we think they should ALL be called Satan!

Poppy & Penny

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya T-bone
Sounds like you're going to be moving to a great place. Backyards are excellent but just keep an eye on the cats matie. You can't trust them!!!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Dexter said...

I don't know about those cat thingies, but grass rocks! You can eat tons of it and then poop it out and give your Momma something to examine.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey TBone!!!
Wow..ur movin'??? But..the yard and the dogdoor will be so worth it...not to mention the C A T S!!!!! Chasin' cats is my favorite...Lacie and Babystan grew up with kitties...not me...I like em raw with ketchup on to spice em up...ahh...just kiddin'...I LOVE CATS...they just don't love the Scruffman back...they fluff up and get huge and make these great flat tire noises....hssssssssssssss!!! I get sooo excited that I pee on the fridge...hmm...that didn't go over well with the peeps...

So Happy T-Bone Day...loved ur dad's name of Porkchop...mumsie calls all of us that for a nickname...


Faya said...

I still have some flowers in my garden if you are interesting... before I eat them myself... I like your big nose ! Kisses, Faya

Kirby said...

WOW, a backyard, I bet that is great. I don't have one of those, but have heard wonderful things about them. I bet you will love it. I think you'll do OK with the cats. Bogart lives with a bunch of cats, and he loves them. So, I think it will all be great. Can't wait to see pics of your new home.

Your pal,

Lorenza said...

I hope you will be happy at your new house! Sounds great to have a big yard and kitties to play with!
Let us know how it goes, ok?
Kisses and hugs